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VGN-FE28h - Duo Core = Duo freeze?


VGN-FE28h - Duo Core = Duo freeze?


i own an vgn-fe28h (duo core + 1gb ram!).
for me it seems, that application freezes all the time for some seconds... it looks like, that the duo processor is not able to handle more than one open application which needs some power...

i´m a software developer, so i need visual studio 2003 / 2005 and also ms sql server (all by msdn).

with the vgn-fe28h im not able to work productivly! my old laptop an acer centrino 1,88ghz and 500mb ram is a lot faster (3 years old)!!!

the only difference is the operating-system. vaio = win xp media; acer = win xp pro.

so i changed the os on the sony also to win xp pro, BUT NOW it freezes at the shutdown. i always have to poweroff the laptop by hand.

are there some drivers for win xp pro? the drivers on the support side i allready installed...

any ideas?

otherwise i have to bring back my vaio...
i thought more money and brandname would prevent me for problems like that...

any help would be greate



Hi nemolus and welcome to the forum!

Had you installed any particular software before you started having this problem?
Do you get any error messages before the computer freezes?



i removed the win xp media edition by win xp pro (msdn version).

the reason i did that was, that the application runs slower on this vaio computer than my older (3 years) acer computer.

although the acer had only 500mb ram and only 400mb swap-file. the SONY has 1GB ram AND 1,5 GB swap-file...

so the current sony laptop has not the power to handle ms visual studio 2003 / 2005.

at last i reinstalled the win xp media edition by an image, and installed win xp pro as update. this kind runs ok

i double-clicked the vaio-i icon for the first settings, AND boing the same effect: at the shutdown the mouse-icon freezes and nothing more happend.

so this must be a driver problem, but i cant find any specific driver for win xp pro only for win xp media...

also the hardware-check software throws an error by controler check, but without any specific message...

so anyway, i had wasted 1 1/5 days, this is a lot of money for me as softwaredeveloper. i bring back the computer to the reseller, AND I WONT BUY ANY SONY AGAIN 😞

thank you for your message



It seems to be the same problem on all models. Can't believe SONY can be that stupid!