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Hi, could anyone please help with any info on my trackpad on my laptop? the trackpad works when it feels like it,i have to keep re-booting for it to work any ideas please? Thankyou
Hi tonyboy60,
Assuming you have not already done so I would suggest that you try re-installing the original touchpad drivers.
Hi Rich,Thanks for your help, i have tried but it would not install as it states its the same driver that installed so doesnt install it?, could you please include the link as i am not to clued up really. Thanks Tony
Message was edited by: tonyboy60
Message was edited by: tonyboy60
Hi, i have managed to install the driver again, i will try this out and see if its done the trick. Thankyou for your help, one last thing, i have registered my laptop with sony but, i am trying to find out if theres any guarrantee left on it or how old it is? is there anyway to find this out? Thankyou
Hi tonyboy60,
This model was released in January 2011.
If you click the support tab at the top of this page, select Contact Sony Support and click Vaio and Computing you will be prompted to enter your serial number. If the only contact option given is the out of warranty number (0905 0310006) it is no longer in warranty.
Hi, thanks for that info, i get contact sony support, phone support or you get 2 years warranty? Thanks Tony
General warranty if purchased in the Uk is 12 months but I believe some configured models have 24 months.
As you have email contact available I suggest that you ask when the warranty expires.
Ok thanks alot for your help, the website is down at the moment for maintenance but i will email them.
Hi, seems to be ok now but another problem, each time my Laptop goes into sleep or stanby it get this message Windows has recoverd from an unexpected shutdown
problem signature
problem Event Name Blue sceen
OS Version 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional infomation about the problem:
BCCode 9f
BCP1: 000000000000003
BCP3: FFFFF8000462F518
BCP4: FFFFFA800C833010
OS Version 6_1_7601
Product 768_1
please help
Hi Tony,
This could possibly be a driver problem but I have very limited knowledge on this. I suggest that, in order to get best help, you start a new thread as anyone that may be able to contribute on this may miss your post.
If this problem has started since updating the touchpad driver then make sure that you installed the correct version for your OS – i.e. 32 or 64 Bit. You could try a (touchpad) driver rollback to see whether this resolves the issue.