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If anyone can help me with this please?

So I was using my laptop yesterday on battery life which was saying it was full, I had been using it for aboiut 10 minutes when all of a sudden it just went dead. I plugged it into the mains power supply incase the laptop was showing full but actually wasn't before it went dead which I didnt think was the case as it hadnt warned me the battery was runnging low or nothing  and it didnt shut down it just went dead. Even with the mains power there was still nothing at all, no fan or nothing, the only thing that happens is that when you press the on/off button the light flashes once and then nothing. I have been looking online for ideads on how to fix it without breaking the warranty such as taking the battery out and plugging power supply in and trying to turn it on but nothing at all has changed.

Does anyone have any ideas what the problem could be? It is under warranty and i will have it sent in to be fixed but in the mean time i am interested in what could be the underlying problem. I have onyl had this laptop for 14 months and this is the 2nd major problem with it now. about 7 months after I bought it there was a problem with the hardrive which had to be replaced could it be related to this orrigianl problem?

Any help and info will be much appreciated!! thank you