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WAN network driver issues


WAN network driver issues

I have a very annoying issue with my Windows 8 VAIO and none of my tests and maintenance have resolved it. Been in touch with Sony, but their suggestions have not worked and I don't want to reset my computer to factory settings unless there's no other option.
This is what's wrong with my VAIO:
I have a problem which I thought were related to the display driver. Until some time ago, the display driver would sometimes "cut out" for a few seconds, but this problem has got worse over the last few days. When I'm typing, there is a delay more often than not until the letters appear. This doesn't happen with every word I type but it happens every few seconds or so. When I play Candy Crush, for instance, there is a marked delay in the game.
I have run all available Vaio tests and the system tells me there is nothing wrong with the computer. I've tried to do a system restore, but it only gave me 1 date to try which was too close to the time when the problems got bad.
In the device manager, it shows up 3 problems which I cannot resolve:
WAN Miniport (IP)
WAN Miniport (IPv6)
WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
have a yellow triangle with !
When I try to update the drivers, I’m getting the following error message:
This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)

I uninstalled the drivers and then rebooted the system, but the problem is still there.

Yesterday, I reinstalled the graphics driver and the lag seems to be slightly better. However, I think unless I'm able to reinstall the network drivers or whatever these WAN drivers are, I won't succeed in fixing my laptop.

Any help would be much appreciated!