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Windows XP Pro problem


Windows XP Pro problem

I bought a sony laptop FS315S about 6 months ago and I recently i decided to format it and install Windows XP Pro on it.
All the sony vaio programs seem to slow my laptop down big time.
I have heard that it is not easy to install another OS on a vaio laptop and i read a few threads regarding this. I managed to install everything apart from the 'Network Controller' which allows the laptop to connect to my wireless connection. When i go to device manager i see a question mark against network controller.
Can any1 help me out on this one? Do you have to install sony drivers in a certain order?

Help would be much appreciated.

Cheers FoX


Ok i have sorted out the problem with my network controller.
I now have 3 minor problems:

1) Hotkeys dont work
2) Touchpad functions (ie scroll) dont work
3) Sony memstick device hasnt got the correct pictogram

Again any help is welcome.

Thanks in advance, FoX


Ok i managed to sort out my touchpad and the hotkeys:smileyhappy:
Only problem i have now is that when i open 'My Computer' the Memstick doesnt have the right picture beside it. Is there anyway to change this?

Thanks again, FoX