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WWAN Connection problem

WWAN Connection problem


I bought the TZ21WN with inbuild WWAN. Since it came with pre-installed T-Mobile software, I had to uninstall it and install the Globetrotter Connect software (as suggested by many in this forum)

I'm trying to connect to Orange Slovakia. It gets connected and speed is good, but after a while the connection drops. The Globetrotter Connect software keeps showing that it is connected and also that the signal is good, but the Windows Network icon shows that network is Local only. Once I get stuck here, the only way to continue is disconnect (kill), turn off the hardware switch for wireless, turn-on switch and re-launch Globetrotter. Sometimes this also doesn't work and I have to restart the machine... what a mess...
Has anyone feaced similar problem? Any solutions pelase?
Could someone please help.

Many Thanks.


I have exactly the same problem using both O2 and vodafone data cards and the globetrotter software.

it connects for a few minutes then drops; switch or reinstall of globetrotter necessary for it to connect again.

I am currently following this up with sony support, but so far no solutions...

very annoying problem - as t-mobile is not an option for everybody (t-mobile doesnt allow more than one account for our business...) - and it makes the internal modem useless.