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Hi, can anyone help me with re-initialising the media server? I deleted the music, video servers (don't ask) and can't see a way of getting them back up. I've successfully connected a client machine but not much use without a server.
Hi pk,
If you just need to re-initialise the servers go to
Start -> All Programs -> Vaio Media -> Vaio Media Setup.
If you have deleted the servers, you will have to reinstall Vaio Media.
Start -> All Programs -> Vaio Recovery Tool -> Vaio Recovery Utility
At the Main Menu click on the Options button at the bottom of the menu and choose 'Recover Specific Applications...........". Scroll down the list and choose to install 'Vaio Media.....".
EDIT: I've just noticed there is a download of the Vaio Media Integrated Server v5.0.11 at VAIO-LINK - downloading and installing this may help! Not sure if it the full Monty or if it is just an ugrade.
Thanks Biencogo,
Couldn't solve the problem so did a re-install of C: which got things working again.
Glad you've got it working PK.