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XL100 first impressions


XL100 first impressions

Firstly I think that I deserve a pat on the back for having got it to work. Quite frankly I am appalled at the lack of printed documentation. For instance, the installation sheet does not mention attaching the wireless aerial and what is the use of having instructions in a PDF file on the system when you are trying to set up that system. All in all I am very disappointed with the lack of printed documentation especially as Sony must be hoping that non-computer people will buy the system.

Media Centre does not have enough features to avoid having to use Windows XP. For instance how can you move files from one folder to another without using Explorer in XP?

That leads me to my first very big problem - the touchpad on the wireless keyboard. As I have said in another thread, when trying to move the pointer the touchpad often interprets a touch as a mouse left button click. So by mistake it accepts an option that was not intended. There seems to be no way to configure it and certainly there is no documentation to help. This really is a major problem for me and it has led to files and folders being moved all over the place quite unintentionally.

There is no documentation on the additional programs bundled by Sony, there is not even a piece of paper saying what is included - you have to read the label on the outside of the box!

Next, I cannot get the XL100 to recognise my Sony HD camcorder HDR-HC3 when it has recorded HD video. It will use the Windows Wizard, under XP of course not MCE, to transfer non-HD video but not HD video. I am sure that Sony state that HD video is supported.

And, why oh why is there not a TV out socket. All of my other boxes, eg Tivo, Goodmans GB3 set-top box, VCR, have TV in and TV out sockets. But my latest box the XL100 has no such convenience - you have to resort to (and purchase) an aerial splitter. OK no great expense but it should have been built-in. Do we have to blame the Microsoft spec for this?

Finally, for the moment, the remote handset design is not as good as the standard Microsoft one. I would certainly like to change mine.

On the whole as you can tell the experience of owning a XL100 has not been full of joy. All I can say is - come on Sony you used to be better than this. I am looking forward to filling in my response questionnaire in 58 days time.