XLA 201 Connection to TV via 'rgb 2 scart'


XLA 201 Connection to TV via 'rgb 2 scart'

I have a Sony Vaio VGX-XL201, I also have a Sony Wega Rear Projection TV KP-44PX3U (which has AV1 & AV2 RGB input using a scart socket.

I have used a rgb component to scart, but i am unable to obtain a picture. I was advised by Sony customer services to use the S-video socket in the Vaio. But to no avail, as it is clearly marked input only.

I have a smaller HDMI LCD tv which I have used, however I purchased the vaio system for the living room; Is there an option available to me or do I have to purchase a new TV.

Are there any settings within either the vaio system or tv which will allow me to use the both together.

Thanks for any assistance


Hi pabrennan and welcome to Club Vaio.

The XL201 only works properly with a HDMI connection to your display.

The Component outputs are not RGB - they are Y/Pb/Pr and require identical component terminals on your TV - you cannot connect them to Scart. A Component connection will have the screen resolution restricted to 576i.

As you say, there is no Composite Video or S-Video OUT.

In short, the XL201 is a useless media centre PC unless your TV has a HDMI connection.



Hello there. in between battling to remove Norton Security Centre from my 201 i note this post, and have a similar predicament, in that I didn't realise that S-Video is input only.

I have a XL201 too together with a rather ageing Sony Cineza VPL-HS1 projector. It has a PJ-Multi in together with S-Video. I believe the PJ Multi can handle Component in for Xbox etc but cannot find the necessary cable (I'll need a 10m one) anywhere.

I'm now left with playing DVDs etc through my old DVD Recorder until I can hook up the Vaio to the projector.

Does anyone know where I can get a 10m PJ Multi lead?

Cheers, Chalky


Hi Chalky,

You need the Sony SIC-HS40 cable - problem is that maximum length is 5 meters and I don't think Sony do a longer one!!



Thank you for your reply.

Is there a pci card I can install which can allow av output using s-video or component, This would be a financially viable solution until I purchase a new HD Ready TV?


Hello again,

I've been onto Hauppauge about TV cards, and whilst they recommend the WinTV Nova-T 500 in the XL series, they advise that composite/SCART out is normally handled by the TV card, which of course in the Vaio only provides component and HDMI.

I echo the question from pabrennan, is there another graphics card that can co-exist in the XL series to provide either SCART/composite/s-video out?

It would need to behave with both XP MCE and Vista.
