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How do I reduce the volume over Bluetooth from my NWZ-A15 Walkman to a Bluetooth speaker that has no volume control? The sound is too loud!
Hi Colchemy,
Have you tried lowering the volume from the Walkman itself?
Yes, i tried reducing the volume using the normal side button that lowers the volume when you are listening on headphones, and it had no effect at all! Hence my enquiry. I thought there might have been something in the Walkman manual, but no luck there either. Guess I'll have to buy a Bluetooth radio, as the speakers I've seen have no volume control.
Well, it doesn't work on the NWZ-A15, unless there's some secret method not mentioned in the manual.
Hello @Colchemy,
there is still the possibility, that the Bluetooth speakers @The_Black_Rose and I are using have special hardware build in, which reacts to the "command" from the player to deacrease the volume - if your speaker doesn't support this function, that could be the reason why it is not possible to control the volume via the player.
I sadly don't have any speaker at home where I can't increase/decrease the volume via bluetooth, so that is only an assumption.
- Nic
Hello @Colchemy,
do you have a so called "Enhanced Mode" in your Bluetooth "Audio Device Connection Settings"?
I have this option on the NW-A45 and the description states it should be activated, if you can't change the volume over Bluetooth.
Maybe your player has the same option.
- Nic
Sadly no, it doesn't exist in the NWZ-A15. I will just have to source a speaker with volume, or even buy a Bluetooth radio.
Sadly no, it doesn't exist in the NWZ-A15. I will just have to source a speaker with volume, or even buy a Bluetooth radio.