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CDX-GT560UI works intermittently with iPhone 5 & iOS 7

CDX-GT560UI works intermittently with iPhone 5 & iOS 7

Since I upgraded my iPhone 5 to iOS 7, my CDX-GT560UI in-car stereo frequently reports a "USB ERROR" and does not play music. When I connect my phone, the stereo display says "USB READ", then flashes up "Track 1" and then ends with the error message and beeps at me. However this doesn't happen all the time, but when it does I have to disconnect the phone, play some music then connect it to the stereo for the music to play through the car speakers.


Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


Does anyone know if there is a firmware update I can install on to the stereo to make it compatible with iOS 7 or is iOS 7 to blame?