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Get music from Minidisc to computer?


Get music from Minidisc to computer?

Hi, Not sure if anyone can help. My computer crashed and I lost most of my music. I've still got alot on minidiscs and have a MZ-N520 player I can connect to the computer but am having problems finding a program that will let me transfer the music off the discs. I'm running vista on the computer could anyone point me in the direction of a suitable program I can download please? thanks


Hi @alfytheige and welcome to the Community! :slight_smile:


Do you still have the disc that came with the player? That has the 'SonicStage' software on it that you need.

(Sadly this is no longer available to download from Sony)

There are some results for it on google but some look dodgy and I really wouldn't recommend trying them.


I believe files were acessible using windows explorer with this model. Can you see any files when your player is connected to your computer?


Have a look at This page, it may be worth installing the personal audio driver.

(Create a restore point though before you do.)










Thank you for replying. Unfortunately I can't find the discs they seem to have disappeared over time as they do. My brother is having a hunt to see if he can find his as he's one of those that never throws anything away fortunately. I did look on google but as you say I dont know which places would be safe to download it from. though the computer makes a noise when I connect the minidisc player to it, it doesnt seem to find it for me to look at the files. Thank you for the link I will have a look at that now and see if that will help.