Hi all,
I am in the process of trying to phase out iTunes & my iPod classic out of my life, though it is difficult. This is because I use the iPod exclusively in my car.
I have a Sony NWZ-A15, which I use with headphones or to stream to a Bluetooth speaker, which is great but it won’t work in my car (neither connected or via BT). My Car is a 2010 VW golf and I guess is too old.
So, I have 2 music libraries. My original AAC iTunes library and a duplicate MP3 library (that I manually converted to MP3).
I also now have a new laptop PC, replacing my old desktop and the music libraries are on an Ext HDD.
I really do not want to install iTunes on the PC....because its iTunes.
What I would like to do is use Medio Go to manage music and playlists onto a generic USB stick, as the car does support media via USB.
Can I do this via Media Go?
Does this have to be managed manually? Ie, dragging files onto the stick? I tried the manual method, which works, but the play lists are not usable / visible on the HMI when I imported them on the stick as well.
Any advice is much appreciated.