Share your experience!
Not sure if I put right board up
Hope you can help
I got a PSP console 3003
It asked me to do update which worked without net which amaze me
I tried to connect it up to latest smart BT hub ( one with disc )
BT didn’t help me they just got rid of me !? They said it’s a Sony issue !?
I am not that bothered about net and PSP but I just wanted it for updates but I may not need ? Can you confirm please ?
One PSP I tried kept saying do you want to end game I trust it’s faulty as other PSP hasn’t done that !?
The PSP did list some Wi-fi networks but one was not mine
It said SSID BTfon SECURITY None
My hub was also listed but it was grey out or faded like not accessible to me ???
It said SSID with my hub name SECURITY
Not supported !!??? SIGNAL STRENGTH
I am guessing but it seems that it’s about the not supported bit that prevents me accessing it ?
I just don’t know what to do
BT said not their fault and they don’t support 3rd party things and is a Sony issue !?
I really want the true facts and hope there is a solution
Thank you
Hello @Snowdrop1,
your PSP probably doesn't support the latest security standard.
You can read about the different options here:
- Nic