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Hi, I am able to connect the Headphones to Google Assistant (by removing it as BT-device, reinstall the Assistant app and reconnect BT) but it does not reconnect after restarting the headphones unless I carry out the reinstall procedure again. It works flawlessly on my older iPhone SE. Any ideas?
I noticed that when the Assistant is configured there are two BlueTooth devices. WH-1000XM3 and LE_WH-1000XM3. After reinstalling and reconnecting, both devices are connected to the phone but after restarting the headphones LE_WH-1000XM3 does not ever connect again (unless I reinstall). If I try to force connection I get Connection Failed
It does not work on the iPhone SE anymore same problem
I am facing the exact issue. Were you able to fix your issue ?
Yes and no I am afraid. One night I reset the headphones, removed all Bluetooth devices both from the phone and the headphones. Reinstalled everything and... same problem. But the morning after, when travelling from home it worked as it should... and have ever since. No updates or anything from the night before. Pretty puzzling actually.
I have the exact same problem, I am using iphone 8.
I set it up once and it works until i restart headphones. Never connects again. I have to delete the LE_ bluetooth device and do it all again.