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MediaGo gives Unknown Artist on M4A

MediaGo gives Unknown Artist on M4A

Hopefully this is on topic for this forum.  If not, please advise.

When transfering to the Tablet using well-tagged M4A files, Artist tags are set to from both the Sony Media Player (where they are not split into Albums) and from Google Music (where they are at least in different Albums).

Is this an Android issue?  Is it a Media Go issue?

I have checked that the Album Artist and Artist tags are appropriately set on source and in MediaGo.  When the tablet is viewed from Media Go, the Artist column is properly populated.  After reading forums I have also:

a) Tried removing Disc Number and Total Discs from the M4A tags (apparently an MP3Tag issue)

b) Tried ID3Fix on the tablet itself

Browsing over MTP to the Tablet from Windows Explorer, the audio files have "" in the Artist metadata.

It is fixed if the audio is copied via Explorer (presumably it does not convert for the device).

It is also fixed if I turn off "Only encode audio when required by the device" is turned off in Media Format on the Device Preferences dialog for the Tablet (presumably, Media Go is handling tag issues and making them compatible with MTP transfers).

I have encoded the M4As in Winamp using level 5 VBR and retagged them properly in (the amazing) MP3Tag. Having to get MediaGo to reconvert is annoying and time consuming.