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Sony Vaio Duo 13 Front Camera failed!


Sony Vaio Duo 13 Front Camera failed!

Sony Vaio Duo 13 Front Camera failed!


Non stop problems with 2,000 GBP high end machine after purcahse last year.  WIFI problems, poor Sony software installation, rubbish McAfee installed and so on.


After purchasing 6 Sony laptop and very impressed with a 3,000 GBP Sony Z machine and custoemr servie I had decided to go with Sony.  But the company's products, it's care, after sales service is SINKING FAST.  They have becoem yet another churn and burn company.


I noticed a few days ago that my front camera had stopped working.  No amount of driver updates and other tricks enbaled it to come back.  So I searched forums and it seems this is a common problem:


1) It usually occurs after updating Windows 8.1 Pro from Widowns 8.0 (however I had updated a long time ago - albeit had installed necssary updates recently).


2) Sony most unhelpfully tell customers to reset machien to factory settings an dold Windows 8.0 version.  This is not an option for many and as busness customrs it is a ridiculous solution offered by Sony.


3) In at least one case, a US Sony customer was told that Sony fixed it BOTH by resetting macine to factory settings and Windows 8.0, AND ALSO istalling a new camera as the previous one was not working.


This sounds increibly stupid.  Like random dart throwing by Sony.


So is it a hardware or software problem?  Given that most camera failures occur after a Wndows 8.1 upgrade my guess it is most likely a careless software problem.  This is why this recommendation to roll back to factory settings is recommended by Sony.  Shameful when they could release a patch.


If it is indeed hardware then it more rubbish on top of the very very poor WIFI.


My own guess:  Very few laptops come with 2 cameras.  So Windows 8.1 updates presumably are not carefully programmed.  Given that Sony initially tested the machine with Windows 8.0 they probably ensured that drivers worked for both cameras.  Now that 8.1 has come out Sony is neither aware nor bothered.


For now I have not called Sony as I do not have the patience to explain the situation for hours to a person who is incapable of understanding and who fails to follow up appropriately. I have already wasted tens of hours with Sony over this machine previously.


SONY: Wake up and test the issue with your high end hybrid solution for business customers.  We expect a working product, not become your employees reportng and solving problems with your products.


HI, I am getting similar lousy support from Sony, so frustrated with them, after updating to Windows 8.1 im getting the touch screen freezing.

I am thinking your problem is software related, why dont you go into the BIOS, and check nothing odd has changed since the upgrate, not knowing your Ver of BIOS, but check in the BIOS if there is something camera related, and make sure both front and back are enabled. just a guess. Good luck.


Sony's services have collapsed.  Poruct quality has gone down - and now Ithink it is becoming more like a low quality discount brand in terms of product issues and customer support.


We have tried up dating drivers etc. No luck.  So it seems to be yet another hardware problem after the probem with v v poor quality inbuilt WIFI.  I shall call Sony but I have been told by the store I visited that I should be prepared to to be read an illogical scrip about resetting to factory settings.  Also, if the machine is sent in they will wipe and reset anyway and take 2 weeks to return.


What a nuisance when you pay approximaely 2,000 GBP plus VAT for the highest spec laptop they make.  Shame on Sony....