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Today’s free PlayStation Mobile games: Monster Hotel and Quiet Please

Today’s free PlayStation Mobile games: Monster Hotel and Quiet Please

From today, you can enjoy Monster Hotel and Quiet Please for free.


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Monster Hotel is a fast paced game where you must look after a hotel with a variety of very unusual guests! The inhabitants of Monster Hotel can be a fickle bunch, and keeping them sweet is going to be difficult.


Compete for the highest score on the online leaderboards and unlock new monsters, bigger hotels and special rooms as you progress.


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Quiet Please is a classic adventure game.


After an annoying day at school, you just want some peace and quiet. But everything at home is so noisy! Mr. Peabody is obsessively mowing his lawn, Dad is channel surfing and Mom is yapping on the phone. Your pesky kid brother won't go to bed, and even your pet kittens are driving you crazy! Explore, interact with your environment and solve puzzles.


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If you haven’t downloaded a PlayStation Mobile game yet, it’s quick and easy to get started. All you need is the PlayStation Mobile app installed on your smartphone or tablet. Click here to find out if your device is PlayStation Certified.  If you don’t have the PlayStation Mobile app yet, you can download it now for no extra cost.


If you have a PS Vita, head over to the PlayStation Store and tap the PlayStation Mobile tab to download these great giveaway games now. Enjoy!


Note: PlayStation Mobile is currently available in Japan, United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand, with more countries and regions to follow.