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Microphone inactive whenever I call someone, accept a call, or using ok Google


Microphone inactive whenever I call someone, accept a call, or using ok Google

Whenever I call someone, accept a call, or using ok Google, the mike seems to be either inactive or not recording any audio at all. A restart temporarily fixes it but after some time, it is inactive again, anyone has this problem, I'm guessing it's a problem with the software. 


Hi @Eddington-007,

Sorry to hear about the issues you have had with the device Slightly_frowning_Face

This does sound software related and likely third party orientated. Are you able to boot the handset into Safe mode and let me know if the issue continues whilst in this mode?

safe mode

Please let me know.


I have exactly the same issue.  I also haven't found a solution to this problem.  

Additionally I find my bluetooth disconnects from things occasionally (and when restarting the phone the bluetooth is off).

I'm going to force myself to have some time without my sony SW3 smartwatch to see if that's causing either or both issues.

It's very frustrating to have the mic cease function mid-call - there also seems to be an issue that makes it happen when I remove a power cable while talking.


It appears that my microphone has failed the diagnostics, I am starting to suspect that it is a hardware problem. 


Ive an xperia xa1 european version. It sems to be an "ok google" related problem. it afflict several customers and other brands too.

When you have selected option "ok google from any screen" the problem occurs: almost all times you try to call with dialer app or another voice app (like facebook massenger), after the call microphon stop working and you can use voice commands and respond a call only with headphones or speakerphone mode. If you restart the phone the problem is solved until the next call.

FOR FIX THIS PROBLEM: when the problem occurred, go in ok google options menu and deselect option "ok google from any screen" THEN restart the device. The problem will be fixed and phone will works normally. 

CURIOUS FACT: if you check the phone in safe mode (but keep "ok google from any screen" activated) the problem will occur anyway, like an hardware problem. But if it would been so I think you could not fix it disabiling ok google from any screen. so I ask to SONY TECH SERVICE: AM I right to think that its be a software related problem and not an hardware problem? 

Could be something wrong with firmware? 

Thanx so much