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Anyone else losing interest in using their XZ Premium and have been using other phones more instead?


Anyone else losing interest in using their XZ Premium and have been using other phones more instead?

I guess the honeymoon phase is over. I really loved the phone but gradually, it's been losing my interest.

I mean I know the phone is bad(IMHO) when a last gen flagship phone pulled me away from this device.

At first I thought of just getting the LG V20 for music because of how I think even with the patches the XZ Premium is so bad at driving music.

But lo and behold, the LG V20 works better(IMHO). It has a qHD screen that actually looks cleaner than what my XZ Premium has. It has Double tap to Wake for just double checking your lockscreen or catching it before it completely locks. And also one the most important thing, using that Fingerprint scanner without pressing the button.  I mean these are the things that I've been wanting for XZ Premium to have and for some reason we just really can't or they just don't want to bother trying. 

I'm not saying that LG V20 is a perfect phone when clearly it isn't. It's just that those reasons are why I think this will be my last Sony Smartphone. Next year I'll be gauging this company and see where it's headed. There have already been rumors of major redesigns but I'm highly skeptical. I'm actually expecting the new phones to be as bland as this phone gets.

Oh well, I can stave off my buyer's remorse by looking at the bright side of support for my Dual Shock 4 controllers.


Nope, this is a thing of personal taste I must say. I have an iPhone X and I don't use it because of the Premium. Why? The ever growing willingness of the Beta-Channels of the Sony-Apps is amazing. The camera is good, the SD-card-extension makes storing Hi-Res awesome and support of LDAC is great with my headphones. So I think: It's a personal taste-thing


LDAC is nice. I also use it but I still have good wired headphones that I don't intend to ditch.

The thing is, the good things about the phone get dwarfed by the flaws in the design of this phone.

Like I said those three reasons are enough for me to just get frustrated at using this phone. It's pointless having a perfect placement for fingerprint scanner when you're increasing the risk of breaking it in the long run because you have to press it everytime you unlock the phone. Phones like the V20 just display how it should be done. Though I'm not a huge fan of the fingerprint scanner at the back. But at least you have a higher chance at preserving those physical buttons.


Congrats with the new phone.

Hopefully you will be happy together, or will you from now on be on the LG-support forums and complain in simlar way about the shortcommings you find on the LG V20??

-Perhaps also state that you will go back to XZ Premium if they not immedately fixes any issues you define it has?:smileytongue: