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I have a new Sony Xperia XZ Premium and have had problems from the outset with the USB-C cable not connecting properly, such that any very slight movement of the USB cable and it will stop charging or fall out of the phone. Now just after a month in after getting my phone it will not charge at all with either of the 3 cables that I bought. Phone rapidly running out of charge too. Anyone else with the same problem?
This can be a hardware problem like something wrong with your USB port. I'd suggest that you contact your Local support and get your phone examined by a professional.
Erm, not trying to joke but did you give it a good push until it kinda "clicked"? It actually needed more force to plug the USB-C into the XZP compared to other USB-C devices.
just tow week and problem with charge started .. on screen its charge put dont up on 0%
my phone not charge at all with either of the 2 cables that I bought .
What cable and adapter do you use?does it charge via pc?
I experienced the same with my Sony Xperia XZ premium
Minor movement on the plug and the charging stopped. Same issue when connected to a PC, failed communivcating when moving slighly on the plug usb-c the connection came up before it was lost again!
I had the phone for service at MyTrendyPhone in Denmark and the replaced the charging port however still same problem after and I tried several different cables and chargers! Sent it back to MyTrendyPhone Denmark claiming they did not do the job properly however the claim the phone charges okay and no problem! So I,m still sitting here 2 months after with the same issue! I suspect that the flat cables on the charging port has bad contact to the sockets inside and that they di dnot check this when replacing. But thats just a guess,, Dont know what to do now?