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Xperia XZ1 screen flickering red


Xperia XZ1 screen flickering red


I've had my Xperia XZ1 for about a year by now and I do love it. Though I've had it in for repairs once as the charger-connection stopped working suddenly (turned out to just be a bad component).

Today, however, something happened that I've never seen a phone do before. I was using it normally, just answering friends on Messenger, when the screen suddenly removed everything and showed only the background image overlayed with what I can only describe as freaking out red coloured pixels. A little bit like a red Matrix-screen suddenly overlayed the background and eliminated everything else.

Of course, I attempted to just shut the phone off by pressing the power button. But it refused to power off just by being pressed and the power-button menu (power off/restart/screenshot) instead kept appearing and disappearing rapidly as if I was pressing the power button and then the back-button to cancel in rapid order. Once I timed it I could hit the brief "turn off" option and managed to restart the phone. The issue was then gone, for now.

However, this of course still worries me as it to me sounds like a problem with the screen. I should have 1 year of warranty left on the phone, but *is* it the screen or could it just be a software issue?


أنا معي نفس الموديل عندما أنقر على للتكبير يعني زووم تكبر الصورة أكثر من اللازم ويكون حول الصورة أطار بلون برتقالي لايختفي الا في حالة إطفاء الجهاز 

I have the same model when I click to enlarge, I mean, the zoom zooms in too much, and there is an orange frame around the image that does not disappear except in the case of turning off the device
