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XZ1 Compact GPS not working after Android PIE update


XZ1 Compact GPS not working after Android PIE update

After upgrading to Android Pie 9 2 days ago, GPS stop working. Italian firmware


I was happy, because my GPS worked like a clock, untill I left Sweden and turned The Phone into "flightmode" then everything about wher I am, stoped working?? I am now in Murmansk, trying to follow where I go, but it does not work at all?

I also tryed my app "GPS test" and it shows apr. 30 satelites is visible but no fix?? Then I guese that gps is working, but not showing my position in any app!?!? Why? And as always I say, what is Sony doing About it?? Or are they expecting that The user fix it?? And now I am trying to ad a screeshot of GPS test, but that is a fail?? Screenshot_20190830-102924.png


I have tried many options - so my gps works  bad, sometimes. It works fine for whole week, fix during a few seconds, accuracy about 5m. A then, suddenly, without some reason, works bad or at all. Gps test app shows 26 satelits and my XZ1C connects nothing. This situation takes for example a half day and then, without any changes, it works...

I'm thinking about returning to Oreo.

Does it make any sense? 


After one year of bad GPS it is now totally imposible to use Google Maps for navigation purposes.

Bought myself a Samsung S10e after 4 Sony Compacts to solve this issue. My son will be using the XZ1 Compact. With his 12 years of age he won't be using the navigation option but now he can play Fortnite on his mobile phone.


Exactly my problem to. Somtime it works perfectly, and then I cant see at all where I am?? Very strange. So that might suggest that it is not an uppdate problem?? It must be something else. I have an SOS app in my phone and I realy whant it to see where I am or otrherwise might not help in an emegency situation?!?!?!

I had a whole mainboard changed last month (on warranty). No issues since.


Glad for you, but my phone is out of warranty! And these days it is not working any good. When I go and ski, I have my Polar V800 to register my puls, and tracking my moves. And I also run "Runkeeper" on my phone and it differs a lot! Bad!

Same problem for me. Everything went well until 2 days ago. It happened on my XZ1C Pie. Tried to roll back to Oreo and still the same problem. Sometimes it works, but more often it doesn't. I use GPS very often and now i have to buy one more device. The symptoms are the same - can fix sats but no lock. What is the reason? What i have to do to make work it properly, change motherboard? 


This is a hardware problem, it's a coincidence that it occurred after the update.
I sent my phone for repair on 11 November. I was told it would take 14 days.
Unfortunately yesterday I found out that they are waiting for a new piece and that it should be returned to me in January.
I asked for a replacement mobile phone for these days, but it was denied to me.
I had planned a trip to the holidays, and I was forced to buy another phone.
I find the level of assistance insufficient.


Hi, I've been having problems with GPS on my phone on and off for the past year or so. At least I first noticed having navigation problems about a year ago, the phone may have always had problems with GPS. I've always been on Oreo. I've never "upgraded" to Pie.

While I was trying to figure out what my GPS problem was with my XZ1c I did a comparison using the GPS Test Plus app on my phone, my old Samsung phone, my wife's A5 Samsung phone, and my Lenovo tablet. I discovered every other device acquired stronger signal more quickly from more satellites and they had accuracy up to 1-3 meters opposed to the XZ1c's 5 meters or (much) worse. Kind of surprising in a disappointing sort of way. I expected better from from Sony.

On the bright side, the app GPS Status seems to be helping in getting a fix on GPS signal fairly quickly and consistently

After a few days of searching the reason, i found following: when i remove the cover case (made of silicone) of my phone and get the phone in my hand it works perfectly, it locks about 20-24 sats, but when i put the phone on the car panel, for example, it stops working (locks about 3-4 sats o stops working at all). So the problem may be in poor sheilding on the motherboard, i think. Anyway, don't know for sure until open up.