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XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532


XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532

Just received Andoid upgrade to 10 52.1.A.0.532 - most of the functions seems to work without any hassel. What I recognized is, that the fingerprint reader is responding with a much bigger delay than before - seems to be a high lag time. Anybodey else with same xperience or any other issues?

299 REPLIES 299

Yes, buy new phones, but not from SONY.

That's what happends when you lunch a wrong update crashing all devices. Users move to another brand. 


Yes... but except that I bought this phone just a year ago ^^

It will hurt me a little to buy one after one year ...

Especially since the XZ2 Compact is the last of this size "compact "and no competitor brand elsewhere...


Given that we are a couple of weeks since the rollout of Android 10 to the XZ2, XZ2 Compact and the XZ3; and the fact that serious issues are apparent in the rollout including the fingerprint issues, slow down, tethering, volumes, connections and battery issues…. I thought that I would write to Sony Europe (based in the UK) to request some indications of resolutions.

So, they [Sony support Euro] admitted that they are awaiting a ‘Sony’ Android 10.1 version to solve the January 6th Android 10 that has caused issues [see my post elsewhere] but the following was the Sony support reply to my – when can we expect a resolution – email....... 

We are sorry to learn that you still have an issue with your Xperia XZ2.

Regarding your enquiry, kindly note that Software updates are released at different times depending on the operator, market, region or country. Therefore, we cannot give you an exact date for when a specific update will be available for your device. In addition, network operators and specific markets may choose not to avail of the updates for specific models.”

So, let's see how long before my phone [and yours] works again…… today’s date is the 20th Jan 2020: the update was rolled out on the 6th Jan 2020: Hmm.


The same problem...
bad battery condition, phone freezes in any app (I have to lock / unlock several times), problem with camera. Weary_Face


What a mistake rolling out a big OS Update without any testing.

Wonder how many customers they are losing because of this.

Mainstream media is getting aware slowly but surely just Google " sony android 10 update problems" 




Hi all,

I also faced many problems with XZ2 Android 10: laggy, irresponsive fingerprint, camera not working,...

Can't stand with this, I did backup photo then factory reset my phone, yesterday => Well, everything is solved, the phone is working like Pie version.

I suggest all, try this option while Sony doesn't feedback anything to us. At least, it works for me.



I have tried to do what suggested by support. Software repair via Companion. Having previously saved all my data, I have recovered my XZ2c through Companion, and now works fine! every mistake has dissapeared!

Pues te recomiendo ejecutar reparación del software siguiendo estos pasos para solucionar el problema siguiendo estos pasos:
1. Asegúrate de conocer el nombre de usuario y la contraseña de su cuenta de Google.
2. Te aconsejamos hacer una copia de seguridad de los datos importantes guardados en la memoria interna de su dispositivo en, por ejemplo, una tarjeta SD o en Google Drive.
3. Apaga el móvil.
4. Ordenador: Descarga e instale la aplicación Xperia Companion desde:
5. Abre la aplicación Xperia Companion.
6. Elige la opción ¨I Can not detected or started¨
7. Conecta el dispositivo al ordenador con un cable de USB original.
8. Sigue las instrucciones de la pantalla.
El siguiente video le ayudará a realizar los pasos correctamente:


Do your WhatsApp voice messages work? 


suis francais aussi Slightly_smiling_Face

I made the mistake too to update.

I had all the problems under 10. But, using "sofware repair" on XPERIA Companion fixed everything and i happy with it. The fingerprint sensor seem a little bit less efficient, but it's ok.


After the Android 10 update:

- Location acquiring with GPS is much slower - 50-70 secs compared with 10-20 secs before - tested with Locus Map and Maps.ME

- Fingerprint scanner seems a little bit slower

- I set the stamina mode to activate when battery goes below 25%. But in some situations it remains activated even when the battery has more then 25%