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Phone overheated while charging,charger melted,burnt hands,STILL waiting for a call back from Sony


Phone overheated while charging,charger melted,burnt hands,STILL waiting for a call back from Sony

just thought i would share my experience with my Z3 compact and Sony (non) customer care so far.

before i start let me confirm:

I am using the original charger supplied with my Z3 compact plugged directly into the wall plug.

night before last i woke in the night and noticed the orange light wasnt illuminated on my Z3, thought it was strange, so picked the phone up and the back of the phone was about 200 degrees! kinda burnt my finger tips and palm, i went to unplug the original sony charger and noticed that my fingers almost stuck to the black plastic of the charger tip, so i switched the plug off at the wall immediately. Upon inspected the black plastic of the charger tip has actually melted.

I called sony yesterday and explained my concerns....

its now 17 hours later and no one has had the decency to call me back..


I'm not sure what to say or how to help as this is a user based forum however I will tag @Johan in who may be able to advise you better with matters like this - All I would say is that you would need to contact Xperia care but it appears from what you have said that you already have however have you tried speaking to the retailer you bought it from or was it direct from Sony


Hi @Thommo

I wanted to share my experience with dealing with sony when one of their products happens to be quite dangerous.

I've contacted EE who passed the buck to Sony


I've just checked your IP and see you are in the UK like I am so I can tell you without any hesitation that if you bought it from EE either outright or via a contract then EE need to deal with this and for EE to pass the buck then they are been naughty and are breaking our consumer laws - It's a good job it's not my phone because I would have asked EE for a deadlock letter if that's their reply and I'm sure beyond any doubt that Trading standards or a County court would drag them through hot coal for saying and doing that - We Brits have stern laws to stop retailers and or company's from doing these things - It is upto EE to handle this then EE to deal with Sony - I'm a consumer law adviser on another forum and have myself taken retailers on but as soon as you ask for a deadlock letter their attitude changes and they become more than helpful so I would consider asking them for this letter and see what their response is


Hi Thommo, 

Its a little more complex,

basically before I took the contract out in june the price quoted by EE was more expensive that i could get elsewhere ie carphone warehouse, but i wasnt too fussed, and the reason i took the deal with EE was that the salesman on the phone said "EE offer a replacement service within the first 6 months, you wont get that from carphone warehouse, so if you have any phone fault in the first 6 months then we will replace it within 24 hrs.

So when i called EE yesterday expecting this to happen, the guy told me this wasnt true, offered for me to send it to them for repair, i said well in that case i was mis-sold and have opened a mis-selling complaint, but they advised that in the mean time i should contact sony, hence me calling them last night, and hence me coming on here as sony dont really want to help.

thats where i am at.


if it's within the 1st 6 months then they have to prove the damage caused to your device was through your misuse and if they can't then they do indeed have to replace your device (so in a way the sales person was right) - Some support staff here in the UK need to learn the law and what it means so I would go back to them and say what I've said - but by all means look up the 6 month consumer law rule - After 6 months then you have to prove it was an inherent fault and if you do then again EE would have to replace your device and refund any charges you incurred but if it's less that 6 months as said then there should be no cost to you

Edit: When I say replace they may also offer a repair or refurbished item of the same or better quality if it's over 30 days but still less than 6 months


thanks for the advice.

still pretty poor service from both EE and sony thus far.

I would of thought that sony would want to get their hands on this device asap to work out why a stock phone with stock charger has behaved in such a dangerous way.


Yes you are correct - If it's health and safety then even I would expect this to happen however I would advise you to go back to EE with what I've said and see what their reply is - If you start quoting our consumer laws then they'll probably change their mind and bend over backwards to help


im tempted to do that but im sure they will just say ok, sure, sent it in for repair and im not willing to do that based on the fact they misinformed me when i purchased the phone.


Not one to defend bad sales people but I'd like to think the person who gave you that info was simply misinformed about the 6 month law and didn't fully understand it and this is probably the excuse they will have however if you bought it because of that info then you have a case and hopefully any recording of said conversation won't go missing as normally happens but that still won't detract from the law and your rights