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Question on DVD recorder 1000 GB

Question on DVD recorder 1000 GB

I have my own videofilms on the hard disks of several Sony DVD's with 250 GB  almost full and I want to transfer via HDMI my videos on one single DVD player with 1 TB (1000 GB).  Will this be possible to have the Sony SVRHDT1000B.CEK   1 TB (which exists only on the UK market) sent to Austria. Will it work here on the continent to transfer all my videos and watch them here on TV ?
Thanks for any reply


Personally I would look at some alternative way or storing this content. The obvious issue is that you are reliant on one hard drive with any of these kind of products so if it becomes corrupted or something happens to the device, you run the risk of loosing everything.

Setting aside the question of capturing the content, I would look at some kind PC/NAS as a way of storing content - many NAS's offer RAID protection so you have redundancy built in. I personally like the Synology hardware, but hear good things about QNAP and Netgear as well.

Bear in mind, the PVR's aren't really designed for long term archival and so copying it off the device may be a little tricky/time consuming. That's why I think, if the videos are precious home movies etc, you would be better off with a more flexible means of storing them.

Please shout if you have any questions as I'm sure other forums members will be able to offer some guidance..

Thank you for such a quick reply, very useful I will look into your suggestions.

I am not so worried about the protection as I have these videos first as originals , then on my three DVD recorders of 250 GB, but it is inconvenient , not to have all videos in one recorder connected to the TV

Do your suggestions PC/NAS  or QNAP imply that I have to go through a computer to transfer the videos into the storage device ?  That would be  quite complicated and time consuming.  I had hoped to transfer via HDMI from my  Sony 250  into the SONY 1000  without any detour through a computer ( I use apple which might not work as computer)

Thanks again

Good to hear you have backups!! :wink:

I don't think you can transfer HDMI to HDMI ( although that would be ideall!) I think you might have to somehow involve an HDMI capture card or similar. Maybe there are external versions/apple versions also.

Something like this? ( not a specific recommedation...)

I thinks its only Blu-rays that have HDCP enabled so there probably isn't any encrytion on the HDMI output so capturing should be straightforward.


I don't know which kind of SONY DVD 'player/recorder you have but consider also that in some "old" model like the HXD you can change the internal HDD quite easily with a 1TB one. See attache documentation.

Putting my responsible Sony cap on,  whilst obviously this device is out of warranty anyway, Sony would however urge extreme caution when modifying any mains powered device and this should not be taken as encouragement to carry out any changes to the device.

We prefer forum members to stay healthy and alive - stay safe out there people! :wink:

Sorry I didn't mean to break any rule, just found out it in the internet and thought it could be useful.

Obviously one should do it at its own risk and having knowledge about managing electrical devices. Those advice are written in red also in the document itself, along with a warning related to the warranty.

Be aware also that to have it working you should use a special service remote, not the standard one sold with the machine, and also this could led to problem if you push the wrong buttons. The service remote could be emulated by programmable ones like Harmony, but it could cost more than the HDD unit....