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Camera Capture Utility won't work...

Camera Capture Utility won't work...

... but I don't want to downgrade to XP to fix it!

I am a complete techno-duffer so if anyone can help me fix the camera on my AR31M I will love them forever! At the moment it tells me another app is using it - which it isn't. Spookily it has worked twice - I have no idea why (but irritatingly once was when I took it to PCWorld to get it fixed - needless to say it didn't work when I got home!!).

Now I am a simple blonde chick so if you can help me you will have to use words of 2 syllables and provide links etc.

I checked the microsoft Vista site - what an absolute waste of time!

Anyway, yours in desperation.... :smileygrin:


Hi and welcome.

As you realise, you are not alone! There has been a User Account Control problem with the webcam and Vista since Vista was introduced.

Check the following: -

1. Is your camera driver installed properly? Go to Control Panel -> Device Manager. Expand 'Imaging Devices'. Is your Vaio Camera showing as installed and working correctly?

2. Do you have the latest version of 'VAIO Camera Utility' installed? Go to C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Camera Utility and click on 'Version.txt'. I think it should have Version installed on your model.

3. Do you have the latest version of 'VAIO Camera Capture Utility' installed? Go to C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Camera Capture Utility and click on 'Version.txt'. I think it should have Version installed on your model.

4. Have you installed Microsoft Hotfix Package KB931812? It is available for download from the AR31S downloads page HERE

5. What happens if you open All Programs -> VAIO Camera Capture Utility? Can you see yourself (UGHHH!) or do you get an error.

6. Have you set up your camera to work in Skype or MSN?

7. Is something grabbing your camera at startup? Start -> Run type in MSCONFIG and press 'Enter'. Go to the 'Startup' Tab - is anything starting any of your camera functions there?

I'm sorry to be a bit vague, but there are various things that can cause the problem.
