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Hi this my my first time using this forum, I was wandering if any one knew how I can upgrade my processor from celron1.0 to about pentuim 2.0 or higher. Thanks all advice appreciated.


Hi this my my first time using this forum, I was wandering if any one knew how I can upgrade my processor from celron1.0 to about pentuim 2.0 or higher. Thanks all advice appreciated.

Hi this my my first time using this forum, I was wandering if any one knew how I can upgrade my processor from celron1.0 to about pentuim 2.0 or higher. Thanks all advice appreciated.


I don't know whether that work. The question is : laptop or desktop?

For the Pentium 2, you would need an adaptor from Slot1 to socked370. But the question is : Slot 1 or base370 board?

Intel Celeron1 (base 370)

Intel Celeron1 (Slot 1)

The Pentium 2 came only in the Slot1 (correct me if I'm wrong)

Intel Pentium2 (Slot1) example

The Celeron in your VAIO should work with a FSB of 66MHz and the Core Voltage is 2 volts. I don't know whether your Board support a FSB of 100MHz. The Pentium2 (333MHz) works with a FSB of 66MHz. The 350MHz version and higher, works with 100MHz FSB. It is important that you use an Pentium2 with Deschutes kernel, because the Klamat kernel of the Pentium2 need 2,8 volts Core Voltage ( the Deshutes only 2 volts). I don't know if you can configure that in the BIOS.
The same with Pentium 3.

Pentium3 (Slot 1)

Pentium3 (base 370)

If you want a Pentium 3, then you should use an with Katmai kernel.
The Katmai need the Slot 1. It gives 2 different verions too. With 100MHz FSB and with 133MHz FSB. I would use the 100MHz version. The Pentium 3 (Katmai) works with 2 volts Core Voltage too.

I wouldn't bother, it's an old PC, getting a working P2 might be hard too.

WOW long topic title!

I'm not sure too. It would be possible, but I think it would be better to upgrade to a faster Celeron 1. (If he can get one, very cheap)

Yeah I guess so, but you'd have to be careful to get one that fits


Agreed (with new title).

It may actually be cheaper to buy a brand new (non-sony) desktop with a celeron D processor than it would to change the processor in an old computer.

It may actually be cheaper to buy a brand new (non-sony) desktop with a celeron D processor than it would to change the processor in an old computer.

No, it isn't. But much faster of course. I would prefer a Semptron system. Cost the same like the Celeron and ist faster. (LOL, the Semptron isn't a 64Bit CPU, it's the replacement for the Duron)