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Is it possible to get fresh Vista Disc


Is it possible to get fresh Vista Disc

I have a FZ11Z. I hate all Sony software and crap that bogs down the performance. I have followed the guides above about not installing all the bloatware, but its not possible on the FZ (it has 3 discs, most off all the crap is installed at basic level).

Does anyone know if its possible to get a fresh blank copy of Vista from microsoft. After all I have already payed for the licence, all I need is the disc and the serial number on the laptop.



Unfortunately, you have paid for a Sony OEM Vista license. To reinstall the Sony OEM version does not require a product key and reinstalls everything. It was possible with XP to exit before the applications were installed but this is not possible with Vista.

Trying to use the Product Key on the bottom of your Vaio will not work it is a Sony key and it is not a valid activation key - it did work with XP but Microsoft have bolted this door. The only way is to pay for another full Vista license or uninstall the applications you do not want.

After uninstalling, use a registry cleaner to remove everything. This may not be exactly as clean as a fresh install but the difference between a clean install and uninstalling what you don't want is small and tends to be greatly exagerated. Most of it does not affect performance anyway.


The only solution would be to buy your own Vista DVD from a store, but be warned that you'll have to do a lot of searching on your current DVDs from Sony to find all the bits and bobs that you actually need for an efficient VAIO.


Its ok.

In the end i just done a full restore, and then uninstalled most of it. Im suprised by how much rubbish runs in MSconfig that sony put there. Especially music servers and general stuff thats not required.

Be good if Sony gave a choice at initial installation for this. Presumably, this would not be hard to program in, but I guess they couldnt be bothered. I get annoyed because all of the background services slow the main stuff down. Im trying to run Archicad and Autocad which are quite intensive.


Glad you got it sorted.

On the flipside its better to have too much then be able to remove something rather than not have it at all.

I'd rather they did have very little on it, I think most people are able to make their own decisions on AV and such