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Motion eye Camera Problem


Motion eye Camera Problem

I have the Sony Visual Communication Camera VGP-VCC4 on my VGN-FE48E laptop. Whenever I use msm messenger or smart capure it cannot find my camera and says it maybe been used by another program. Has anyone else had this problem and how do I solve it.
I closed all related program in the task manager but it still wont respond.


Hi hardboiledcop and welcome.

Have you installed: -

1. Microsoft Hotfix Package KB931812
2. VAIO Camera Capture Utility

from here?

This works for some but unfortunately not everyone. It seems to be a Vista 'User Account Control' problem. Various ways forward have been suggested but there does not seem to be a universal solution: -

1. Turn off UAC
2. Create a new Administrator User - the camera often seems to work for a new user account.
3. Check no program is opening the camera software at startup (MSCONFIG -> Startup) - it should at least work for one program per session - if you want to change the program using the camera a reboot may be required.
4. Uninstall Sonicstage Audio Filter - this seems to conflict with MSN Live software.

Sorry I can't give a definitive solution - Sony are aware of the problem and seem unable to solve it - it seems several bits of software can affect the camera.
