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Hello everyone, I got a question about my new Vaio AR31M.. there are some stickers on it "Windows Vista" , "Intel Centrino Duo" these things all speak for themselves.. but now the last one.. "Full HD 1080" Full HD.. isn't that with Blu-Ray or HD-DVD's ? What is Full-HD? Is it just because there is a HDMI out on it? Or can it actually display High Definition Media?.. Wasn't that a little bigger then 1440x900? >.> Sony..?
Thanks in advance,
Yes indeed you have the ability with your AR to output to a HD TV or projector at the full 1080 progressive (interlaced being upsized)and therefore have the Blu Ray feeding any monitoring device at 1920x 1080 and more. I have an HD projector and man I can tell you it is being there. Thing is of course you need a HD camera SKY HD or have downloaded a HD movie from the US or go to Blockbuster who rent Blu Ray to actually get the full HD experience...every thing else is well.....crap. The difference is 7.3 gig movie on DVD as apposed to a 48 gig Blu Ray movie with all the sound quality trebled. I hear a 96 gig Blu Ray is on the way also.
It's blu ray, but if you did buy a USB2 HD-DVD unit then yes it would work too.
Well the AR31M doesn't have blu-ray.. but this laptop itself can't display HD right?
well it can display 720P (i think), well a bit more since the display supports up to 900 lines but it can output full 1080P via da HDMI connection. To get the progressive output you will need to apply the method listed here. hope this helps