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Vaio Pro 13 shutdown without charger and hard time with the support


Vaio Pro 13 shutdown without charger and hard time with the support


I already look at some of this trouble, that seems to be common, but unfortunetely I didn't fix it with the battery reset button at the back of the computer.

so 2 weeks ago I request a repair and the laptop came back yesterday. the first thing I did is to press the power without charger and oh surprise, SAME PROBLEM;

How can this happen when it has been send to repair and sent back in the same state. nobody seen the problem?

I checked what was repaired and it seems that it is the "mother card" which cost like 600euros.

I ask for another repair, I'm wondering what they will change now.

My computer cost more than 2000 and is only 6 month old.

I also want to tell that it is nearly impossible complaint because I received a letter with the computer that say, dear customer bla bla bla don't hesitate to contact me (Kris de Pauw director europe customer...) the email came back few second after with an error postmaster...I ask to the support another adress to complain customersupport bla bla and same message back with an error postmaster.

over 6 month time, this computer will be one month out at the repair center and then lose my time and money.

just very disapointing. I post my letter here under.


Dear Mr De Pauw, 

I'm french and had trouble with my VAIO pro bought 6 months ago and cost 2300 euros. I sent it to repair center and then get it back today. what surprised me is that the computer is still having the same problem! it can't work without electrical power even if battery is 100%. if I unplug it, it stop straight away.
I want to tell you that for a computer at this cost and at this age (6months) it is very disapointing. How much time I will have to send it back for repair? hopefully I've got a 3 years guarantee even if you announced you are out of the business of laptop, you must guarantee at this price a high quality computer. it is my second vaio and the first never had any trouble except that you burn your hand when you touch it.
I don't want to spend too much time without my computer and install, desinstall, reinstall my stuff in it. I loose my time and my money.
hope you understand what I mean
kinds regards,