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VGX-XL201 DVD problem


VGX-XL201 DVD problem

Hi everyone.

I've had a VGX-XL201 for just over 2 years and just recently when playing DVD's on the Media Centre, at points during the movie the film just freezes. To correct the problem I have to end task the Media Centre, eject and reload. At first I thought it was just defective DVD's but now the problem happens with every other DVD. It's now a real pain, especially with kids who don't understand !

Are my suspicions correct in that it's the disc laser that is starting to fail and therefore I will need to send it away to get it fixed ? Or is it a problem with the Media Centre / Viao, where theres something I can do ?

It still reads and writes CD's and I've tried using one of those CD cleaners to no apparant avail.

Please help !



Hi Anders and welcome.

Have you tried another media player? Try VLC player. It is free from here: -

The other thing to check is that that your DVD drive is working with Direct Memory Access: -

Start -> Right-Click My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager

Expand IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers.
Double-click on Primary IDE Channel -> Advanced Settings.
Make sure ALL drives have "DMA if Available" selected and check that the Current Transfer Mode is "Ultra DMA Mode".
If any device is set to PIO mode then this is your problem.



Hi again, no I don't have IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers listed in the Device Manager, but I do have SCSI and RAID controllers listed - is this it ?

Alternatively, there is IEEE 1394 bus host controllers.

When I expand either of these there are tabs called General, Driver, Details & Resources.

I can't see any 'DMA If Available'

Please help.