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VPCEC1S1E/BJ 17' £900, no wIndows 8 drivers!

VPCEC1S1E/BJ 17' £900, no wIndows 8 drivers!


Windows 8 has released for ages. Even windows 8.1 is disfused now. Where is the drivers for the system.

Sony support team, please well take care your customers.


Above link stats no drivers for windows 8.x till, 24 Jan 2014!!!




Hi leizhou98,

Don’t hold your breath on Windows 8 drivers and Utilities being provided. The VPCEC series was, I believe, released at the beginning of 2010 and Sony are unlikely to support models of this age for updating to Windows 8 due to hardware restrictions amongst other things.


Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Oh, really? Have a look at Lenovo's 2010 early model like Thinkpad Edge 1x series,

They provide WIndows 8.1 drivers. Why Sony can't?


There's no hardware restriction at all. This kind of excuse can only play on no body.

We need windows 8.1's driver! If Sony can't make the drivers for new windows system, I will tell everyone beside me this fact untill they realy take care their customer rather than just sqeeze profit from users.....


Display card, power management, video, chips are essential to run under win8.1. Others could supported by Windows self support drivers.


This laptop has been sold with Win 7 OEM and if you want to make any changes, you should not really expect that this has to be supported by SONY in the first place but do some resarch yourself I'm afraid.


Having said that, most of the core components (apart from limited basic drivers within Windows itself) would normally be supported by Intel, nVidia, ATI, Broadcom - depending on chipset & manufacturers of the subcomponents. So appropriate packages might be available on their websites and could potentially be installed, and work correctly.


It should be doable, however, it might not work - you may for instance discover that your webcam is not recognised... Do you really need to upgrade?

Thanks takrzem, 


Your suggestion is much more practical. I did try to install manufacture provide drivers to this machine for Windows 8 environment. Unfortunately, if my memory not fail, the video card didn't work. As you said, it's probably OEM related issues.


The reason I need upgrade to Win8 is that. This machin has a full HD resolution, while it's 17' screen make text and icons too small when it was set to 100 text true clear thing. Clear Type change to 125% or higher will make some of my software like Excel much wired and harder for formating words. WIn8 is a better choice. 


Anyhow, I will try again to install some 3rd party drivers or from manufactures. But, I'm still not happy, if Sony don't make the operational drivers for this model on Win 8.


Anyone, would like to have a win 8 drivers for similar model/generation Laptop. Please support with clicking ME TOO~


If it was only ATI driver, it's worth the hassle, I think - did you try installing this driver manually, via Device Manager (->right click, Update driver etc.)? It should work and I believe you can live without ATI Control Centre on laptop.


I am not exactly sure what's the advantage - or difference - of 'ClearType thing' under Windows 8/8.1? Surely this has been supported since Windows XP, as it's on my PC? An is built-in feature of Windows 7?


There might be sopmething I don't know here though.