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wireless probs!!!!!


wireless probs!!!!!

I have just purchased a VGN-C1S but Im having trouble connecting to my wireless network. I contacted my service provider and they told me I need to upgrade my laptop to 128bit encryption and this should solve my problem??? Any ideas? When I try to set up the connection there is not enough space to type in my WEP key? Please help!!!


Hiand welcome to the forums
ok your ISP is kind of correct.

128bit keys require far more characters than 64bit does. If your router is set to 128, and your wifi on the laptop is set to 64, then you will not be able to type more.

What router is it?

What do you use to connect to the wireless connection... Windows wireless software? Or Intel software? or...?


Your VAIO supports 128bit encryption.

Click "Start", the blue ? for Help and Support, type "wlan" into the search bar, press enter and fallow the guide to connect to a Wireless Network.

Well, and phone your Service Provider they should uprade their Hardware. WEP isn't a secure standard any more. You should avoid being online for several hours. Switch it off, if you don't have to be online.

WPA is the recommend standard now.

You need 26 alpha numeric characters for a WEP 128 key


Thanks, have tried this and it just keeps searching and doesnt connect? then goes back to the original list of available networks......I have orange wireless, with what they call a 'livebox'.


See... thats all you had to say.... "livebox" lol
Ok, Livebox (formally from Freeserve/ Wanadoo before being bought by Orange) has a funky setup.

It not only has protection via 128 bit encryption, but also MAC address protection.

this is where it takes the unique hardware address of your wireless card and adds it to your livebox. The livebox is set to only allow these specific addresses that have been added to proceed onto step 2... and that is to accept the key... once it has both checked, then you may surf.

So thats the history done.

On your livebox, you should have two buttons, listed 1 and 2.
Make sure that your Livebox is in 'pairing' mode by pressing button 1 on the side of the unit. Your Livebox will be in 'pairing' mode for 10 minutes, during which time the 'Pairing' light will flash
(this usually is a red light that flashes where the wireless symbol is)

Now refresh your wireless list on your laptop
connect to the livebox
once given the option of the key... enter the key in
I would strongly advise typing the key in notepad prior to the above as this way you can confirm the key and also your liveboxdoes not time out by the time you enter it twice.

This should now solve your issue. Do let me/us know how you get on.