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Sony X9005A Owners & Netflix 4k/HEVC Codec


Sony X9005A Owners & Netflix 4k/HEVC Codec

Hi as a current owner of the 2013 55X9005A, I am wondering what Sony is planning to do for us early adopters with regards to Netflix 4k/ HEVC H.265 Codec. I hope that we early adopters are not going to be left out in the cold !


Thanks :slight_smile:


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Hi there


Unfortunately that can be the nature of being an "early adopter" especially when there is an evolutionary change in technology.  Meaning technology standards havent quite been agreed/ratified supported. 


This question was raised yesterday:


Id be reasonably confident to say that "IF" it can be done, Sony will do so.  However saying that, I don't believe that the H265 codec would run properly on the 2013 TV range, mainly due to the vast processing power that the H265 codec requires.



Hi Quinnicus, thanks for your reply. I personally think that Sony has a responsibility to all it's 2013 X9005A UK Customers including myself to provide a solution, free of any costs to sort this out otherwise there will be many disgruntled UK customers that will never again buy a Sony TV.

From what I've read on the web, apparently it has be said by Sony USA that US Owners of this TV will not be left out with regards to the HEVC Codec Issues/Future 4k content so therefore why should UK customers lose out.

Doesn't make sense really. I would be very garteful if this matter could be pleased escalated to the appropriate department.

Many Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi there


I agree with you on this - especially when you spend £xxxx's on a TV, you would expect more than 12months of updates and a little bit of future compatibility .  I'll have a dig around on this, and see what the answer is, as I know others will be interested too.





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Hi sound10


Any chance you can find a link in regards to:

"From what I've read on the web, apparently it has be said by Sony USA that US Owners of this TV will not be left out with regards to the HEVC Codec Issues/Future 4k content"


From Sony US Forums (SamT):

Although I guess there are two issues:

  1. HEVC (H.265) support for USB/DLNA play-back
  2. Netflix 4K play-back





As an owner I'm curious about this issue also.  From what I gather so far a software solution for HEVC is unlikely/impossible but a hardware one may be doable, either in the form of a small unit/set top box type thing or perhaps a 4K software upgrade to the PS4 which would suit me as I own one already.


Regarding the set top box option, perhaps something like Sony's FMP-X1 which is already available in the States for 4k streaming could come here with integrated HEVC capability to complement our TVs.  Really we shouldn't be charged anything extra for this though, especially in view of the amount that the price of our TV has dropped in recent months even on the official Sony store website.


To be honest the issue's not yet much of a problem because of the limited H.265 content/providers out there - even Netflix only has House of Cards season2 and some nature documentaries in UHD yet as I understand, although I gather breaking bad will be coming too.  See this link for a mention of the possible hardware upgrade solutions by Netflix:



Hi Quinnicus, thnaks for your reply again. Yes, we as customers have paid a huge premium for this 4k TV and therefore it should be compatible with current and future 4k content. I can see this issue potentially arising again once 4k Blu Ray is launched. Again Sony need to make sure that we as customers are looked after.

I can't exactly remember where I read about US Customers who own this TV and future content, but please have a look at the following article from a well respected and regarded UK Forum and magazine and please scroll dow to the bottom of the article where it reads Gyles said: "Sony 4K  sets are future-proofed. Customers are our number one priority and Sony will provide all the necessary solutions to the 4K TV owner to access future 4K content services once they start in respective TV markets."


Here is the link to the article :-


Perhaps one solution could be that Authorised UK Sony Service Centre's are allowed to carry out the necessary internal modifications at our own homes to acess current and future 4k content. That would be the ideal solution for me.

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Hi all


Just letting you know that this has been fed back through the channels (to the elves in the TV Dept) and are now awaiting a response back. 


In regards to the WhatHifi article - this was addressing an issue that was released in a Sony Press Release in regards to HDMI 2.0 update, as at the time HDMI 2.0 was not ratified. 



Got a petition started here addressed to Sony:

I've sent out a few emails. One to customer services, another to the head office, another to the corporate headquarters in Japan for customer feedback. I doubt that I'm the only person doing this but hopefully this would get the ball rolling for us European owners. Hopefully you could all sign the petition and perhaps help spread the link around to other forums.



[EDIT] - Unfortunately I have had to edit your post, as its against forum rules to link to petitions

Hi Lalami1990, that's a good idea. I'm sure Sony won't abandon us as we have paid a huge premium for this TV. Therefore the TV should be future proof for at least the next couple of years at the very least.