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Sony, why have you messed up MF-Assist in the A7R ?

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Sony, why have you messed up MF-Assist in the A7R ?

On my Sony Nex-7, I could specify MF-Assist on a buttom. What it did was wonderful:


You press it,get your magnification directly and when you released it, you had the full Picture back. Very quick process.


On the Sony A7R: No way. You Need to press the buttom, you get a useless window which you could in theory move around to magnifiy a different area, than you Need to press again to get magnification and than you Need to press two times more to get back to the original overview-Picture.


WHAT A MESS !!!!!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASEadd an an Option like with the Nex-7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I dont know if I understand you right ... but ... on my A7 with kit lens I use for example ...


- Focus mode: DMF


- Half press the trigger and keep holding to autofocus > if focus is not exact > keep holding the trigger half pressed and manual focus using the ring on the lens (magnification on the screen is visible) > after releasing the focus ring on the lens it takes about 2 seconds to see the full image again without magnification > now continue to full press the trigger


Does this work for you? Did I understand your problem?



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I can copy that. Could you please bring back the push to magnify and release to return to full view. Thanks


Dear all,


Thanks for you messages about the feature. I will pass on your product feedback to Sony.


On another note, I would like to point out that we aim to keep this section of the forum for German speakers.


So we would like to ask you to post in German, so that no users have trouble understanding your questions. However, if you wish to ask product question in English, you could try the English part of the Community here:


Thank you and have a great start to 2014! :slight_smile:





danke für das Produktfeedback. Dieses geben wir gerne an Sony weiter. Noch ein HInweis: Damit alle hier eure Beiträge verstehen können, verfasst diese bitte (auch) auf Deutsch.


Viele Grüße und einen guten Rutsch!

