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Are there any plans to create a proper gaming phone?

Are there any plans to create a proper gaming phone?

I was wondering if there are plans on making a proper gaming phone?


While the normal 1 IV is extremely nice in many ways, I'd still like to see much improved speakers (close to the rog3 / Rog5 before update ruined it) and shoulder buttons / air triggers. I think the gaming community is pretty much waiting for a proper high end gaming phone. The budget market is quite saturated with budget performance phones but on the high end segment we have just downright terrible deals. They usually have terrible software, bad camera, lacking polish and security. I think I speak for many mobile gamers, that we wouldnt mind spending a ton of money for a proper gaming phone.


Also is it possible to stream beyond 60hz by default?


unfortunately Sony has been concentrating on higher end of the smartphone segment. however a refreshed XPERIA PLAY would be awesome