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Bad or uncalibrated Proximity sensor on Xperia phones.

Bad or uncalibrated Proximity sensor on Xperia phones.

I just got back from the store where I tested the proximity sensors on all the new Sony phones.
The thing is, I've owned a Sony 1 Mark 2 in the past and everything was generally fine with it, except for the proximity sensor. During a call, the phone would constantly turn the screen on by itself and it got to the point where I could turn the phone into airplane mode with my ear. Such a little "childish" disease was very unpleasant and soon because of this, the phone had to be abandoned.
I returned from the store with unhappy news, the old problem is on all the new phones except the tenth model. Probably some other proximity sensor is put on it.
The test was carried out as follows: in the settings select the item "proximity sensor test", and a credit card is brought to the sensor. At a distance of about 5-6 centimeters (two inches) the proximity sensor triggers and the screen goes out. The credit card is brought close to the screen and the sensor. After that, begin to move the card up from the sensor and voila, the screen lights up at a distance of about 1.5-2 centimeters (less than an inch), which is an inconvenience when calling. Again, this problem exists on ALL models except the tenth Mark 3. On the 10 Mark 3, the screen lights up at the same 5-6 centimeters away from the sensor.
Dear Sony, I hope you will notice this issue and fix this bug as soon as possible.

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I'm starting to believe that this is just how the ear proximity sensor works, i mean it can't be a fault with all of the models. Also, I did have an experience with other phone makes and that happens while you're on a call if the phone moved slightly on your ears. I think this is just how it works.

As I said before, there is no such problem on the tenth model.

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I didn't concentrate with a specific model to be honest but I've seen this issue happens with a lot of phones generally.