Issue with network dropping


Issue with network dropping

My network coverage keeps dropping I spoke with EE my network provider. They sent me a new SIM card, this has not fixed the problem and I'm stuck for what to do. This happens at completely random times.

152 REPLIES 152

I've already replied to that to say mine has been off since I got it and I've still had these issues:( I think someone else may have tried this with no good results as well.


Thanks for replying, sorry to hear that it's probably not the answer. 

@JanieD91 wrote:

I've already replied to that to say mine has been off since I got it and I've still had these issues:( I think someone else may have tried this with no good results as well.


I also don't believe that EE want all their customers with an X1 to change to another network. HOWEVER, if the problem is with Sony and the software implementation on the X1, and Sony won't acknowledge there is a problem, what can EE advise?

Sony don't issue change logs for their updates, unlike all other manufacturers, and in the past have been extremely reluctant to admit to problems on their devices, including phones, even when every one and their aunt is saying there is a problem. 


I guess we just wait over the next week or so until we all have this new firmware to see if that fixes it. I might try forcing the update through xperifirm and flashtool if it doesn't update by the weekend because the *******'s have already messed up my holiday.


Yes I got mine through EE perhaps there testing the fix on some devices for now. I can say I've  not had 1 single drop out today. Edit.. it's been 12 hours since update .278 and not 1 dropout


@drlmiles wrote:

I posted this solution above - I have had no problems since implementing this and changing a few other auto switch settings - and I'm on EE with a CW phone. I think this setting may be the culprit, as it is set on by default, and is switching from mobile to WiFi if ANY strong WiFi connection is available, not just one that is registered on the phone. 

I don't know how to link to a specific message, so I've copied it again. Please could others look at if this alters the problem. 


Could those with problems go into:

Settings / Network & Internet / WiFi / WiFi Preferences / Advanced / Auto Network Switch

... and turn it off! 

Let us know if it makes any difference

Sorry I should have replied yesterday. I tried this yesterday and it's made no difference 😞


I should also add that I got onto Sony support and they said it's an EE network issue. Their "fix" was to use the phone on another network.

I told them that this was not an acceptable fix (which they should obviously realise since most people are locked into 2 year contracts).  They then came back and suggested I try it on Vodafone to test if it works OK, to which I replied I am sure it will, since no-one on Vodafone is reporting this problem.  So what does THAT prove???

I asked them to escalate this within Sony and to be honest, I am not at all sure that they will.  I will chase them again in a couple of days.  Quite an uninspiring conversation to be honest.


Unfortunately we are stuck between EE - who deny there is any problem with their network, and to be fair there don't seem to be problems generally with EE on other phones - and between Sony, who true to previous behaviour, deny there is a problem or deny that it has anything to do with them. It is *possible* that the new software update has sorted this out - so please can anyone who has had the network drop-out issue, AND has had the update, post if they have still had the same dropouts?

(I thought changing the setting above might help, and it took a couple of days before I was proved wrong, so it's worth waiting a couple of days after the update's installed before posting that it's worked) 


I don't need to make up stories here. I have been a very loyal customer to EE and Sony for years. 

If you don't believe what EE told me just call them and ask adviser to refer you to a level 2 manager and ask Ewan.

And adviser Ken told me at EE to carry over another network as EE is aware but they won't sort it soon as they think it's Sony's responsibility.

Anyone who doesn't believe me can create a case calling 150 EE and see what they say. 


I believe you. I don't think EE (the company) want this sort of advice given out, and will have no idea what their frustrated helpline advisers are saying. I say "frustrated... advisers" as they know that the EE network is ok, and Sony are denying there is any problem that they have any responsibility for. The real problem is Sony - is it any wonder that they have falling market share, when they find it so difficult to admit when they have a problem. I think this is a problem with the business culture within the company, possibly encouraged by the parent company