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Sony Xperia 1 - Update Android 10 for Ukraine, When?

Sony Xperia 1 - Update Android 10 for Ukraine, When?

When will the Android 10 update for Xperia 1 for the Ukraine region be released?

Sony, are you all fine there? The UA region is simply stupidly IGNORED !!!




Sony are getting worse in delivering updates whether its android 10 or the latest security patches this is going to put customers off buying Sony mobiles seeing as Samsung is seeding android 10 to phone's which are 2 years old, even low to mid range Nokia phones are getting or have received android 10

@Lonewolf-noble6 wrote:

Sony are getting worse in delivering updates whether its android 10 or the latest security patches this is going to put customers off buying Sony mobiles seeing as Samsung is seeding android 10 to phone's which are 2 years old, even low to mid range Nokia phones are getting or have received android 10 

Aw please....🤔

The XZ2 is 2 years old, and that's gotten Android 10, so no better or worse to be honest...probably slightly better than Samsung, but still, Sony have released 10 on 2 year old phones, so that point is right out the window.

Is or was the xz2 a high end sony phone or a mid ranger I'm not sure sorry for my ignorance

Here is what my operator answered me:
The operator has nothing to do with updating the phone’s operating system. There are no bans on our part.


It turns out that Sony is brazenly lying, that the update depends on the operator. Not. It depends on Sony. Sony, why are you lying ???

It's your network provider that's lying.


They have to approve the update prior to releasing it.

Did you not even look at the informative post on page 1 from Qatrium regarding updates.

Is the phone a network branded one or was it bought sim free?

If it's sim sim free try removing the aim to see if you can update it with the generic software update.

If not you might be able to update it manually by downloading the closest update to your country of origin.

Then it turns out that all Ukrainian mobile operators are lying, namely: Lifecell, MTS, Kiyvstar and the like.

All home Internet providers, such as: Akson45, Adamant, Volya, Triolan, Merlinhome, also lie.

They all lie but not Sony.


You know, I think Sony is lying!

Ok you keep thinking what you will, but providers receive then certify and release the updates, that's the process.

So maybe this is done by the representative of SONY in Ukraine, and not the telecom operator?

Even putting myself in the operator’s place, I can’t understand how the hell am I going to distribute updates? As an operator, I provide only a service, the Internet and the ability to call, NETWORK, everything! What kind of update and operator lock are you talking about?

10:59:32, Представник lifecell: Добрый день, Сергей! Меня зовут Юлия
10:59:37, Представник lifecell: Я проверяю информацию по номеру, указанному в регистрационной форме
10:59:53, Сергей: я пользуюсь смартфоном Sony Xperia 1 который официально куплен в Украине. На данный аппарат доступно ПО Android 10 с декабря 2019 года. Но на телефоны региона UA обновление не прилетает тк производитель заявляет, что не пропускает обновление Ваш оператор, в данном случаи LifeCell
10:59:55, Сергей: Вопрос, так ли это и если так, в чем причина тормоза?
11:01:22, Представник lifecell: Сергей, в этом случае Вам нужно обращатся в сервисный центр обслуживания Вашего устройства, с нашей стороны мы не делаем ограничений на скачивание/обновление сервисных файлов
11:01:30, Представник lifecell: Остались ли у Вас еще вопросы?
11:01:34, Сергей: Обращался и вот что они ответили
11:01:35, Сергей: Обновления программного обеспечения выходят в разное время в зависимости от рынка, региона, страны и оператора связи. Поэтому мы не можем назвать какую-либо дату появления конкретного обновления для вашего устройства. Кроме того, некоторые операторы сети и рынки не предлагают обновления для определенных моделей. Доступность обновления именно в Вашем регионе
11:02:01, Сергей: Сервисный центр ссылается на операторов связи, т.е. на вас
11:02:10, Представник lifecell: Мы не занимаемся настройкой оборудования
11:02:39, Сергей: от вашей сети или от вас как от оператора, каким то образом, техническим или еще каким либо может зависеть доступность обновления?
11:02:57, Представник lifecell: Вам нужно обращаться в магазин где купили устройство
11:03:21, Сергей: Магазин ссылается на представительство Сони в Украине, а представительство Сони ссылается на Вас
11:03:37, Сергей: проблема не конкрентно в единичном аппарате, а во всех теелфонах региона UA
11:03:57, Представник lifecell: На Ваш вопрос у меня отсутствуют ответы, так как компания lifecell , не занимается настройкой телефонов, ПК и прочих устройств.
11:04:14, Сергей: вопрос не в настройках
11:04:16, Сергей: А:
11:04:23, Сергей: от вашей сети или от вас как от оператора, каким то образом, техническим или еще каким либо может зависеть доступность обновления?
11:04:31, Представник lifecell: На указанный вопрос был предоставлен ответ. В случае, если у Вас отсутствуют другие вопросы, я буду вынуждена завершить наш диалог. Скажите, пожалуйста, есть у Вас другие вопросы по услугам lifecell?
11:04:53, Сергей: так вы не ответили на вопрос
11:05:01, Сергей: я не прошу помощи в настройке телефона
11:05:10, Представник lifecell: С нашей стороны ограничений нет
11:05:10, Сергей: а просто дать ответ.
11:05:19, Сергей: Благодарю!








10:59:32, Representative lifecell: Good afternoon, Sergei! My name is Julia
10:59:37, Representative of lifecell: I'm checking the information on the number provided in the registration form
10:59:53, Sergey: I use a Sony Xperia 1 smartphone that was officially purchased in Ukraine. This unit has been available for Android 10 software since December 2019. But on phones of region UA ​​the update does not arrive, so the manufacturer states that your operator does not miss the update, in this case LifeCell
10:59:55, Sergey: The question is, is this so and if so, what is the cause of the brake?
11:01:22, lifecell representative: Sergey, in this case you need to contact the service center of your device, on our part we do not make restrictions on downloading / updating service files
11:01:30, Representative of lifecell: Do you still have questions?
11:01:34, Sergey: That was what they answered
11:01:35, Sergei: Software updates come out at different times depending on the market, region, country and telecom operator. Therefore, we cannot name any date of the specific update for your device. In addition, some network operators and markets do not offer updates for certain models. Update availability in your area
11:02:01, Sergey: The service center refers to the operators, ie on you
11:02:10, Representative of lifecell: We are not tuning the equipment
11:02:39, Sergey: from your network or from you as an operator, in some way, technical or any other may depend on the availability of the update?
11:02:57, lifecell representative: You need to contact the store where you purchased the device
11:03:21, Sergey: The store refers to Sony's representative office in Ukraine, and Sony's office refers to you
11:03:37, Sergei: the problem is not specific in a single unit, but in all telephones of the UA region
11:03:57, Representative of lifecell: I have no answers to your question, as lifecell is not involved in setting up phones, PCs and other devices.
11:04:14, Sergey: the question is not in the settings
11:04:16, Sergey: A:
11:04:23, Sergey: from your network or from you as an operator, in some way, technical or still what can depend on the availability of the update?
11:04:31, Representative of lifecell: The answer to that question was answered. In case you have no other questions, I will have to end our dialogue. Please tell me, do you have any other questions about lifecell services?
11:04:53, Sergey: so you didn't answer the question
11:05:01, Sergei: I'm not asking for help setting up my phone
11:05:10, Representative of lifecell: There are no restrictions on our part
11:05:10, Sergey: just to answer.
11:05:19, Sergey: Thank you!