That camera though 😍😍😍

That camera though 😍😍😍

Can't wait to play with that CineAlta recording.

21:9 OIS 4k HDR using LOOK and tuned by cine alta...

Drooling I tell you, drooling!


It seems that even God himself, will not be able to teach the XPERIA camera to shoot so that both the foreground and the background are in harmony with each other.
As we can see here, the background in the picture is overexposed!. Sony does not know how to make a camera, as competitors successfully do.

, the same
Why users must selling XZ2 and buying this one? Only for 2x zoom?

This is old story. Xperia can show ballance, even in manual

DXO test XZ3   The same (( 

Sony smartphone cameras always was weack in high-contrast scenes

xperia 1.jpgxperia1.jpgxzpif.jpgxz1,.jpgxzpv.jpg

The camera shoots the same, with the same of overexpose background and pale color (:Thermometer_Face:


@Posie19 wrote:

Xperia 1 camera has:

  • triple lens
  • 12-megapixel sensors
  • wide lens with optical image stabilisation, telephoto lens and super wide lens
  • Alpha certification
  • eye tracking autofocus video
  • ability to film in 24fps at 21:9 

What's not to love?!

Probably I will not love the night performance will be worse than p30 pro, since x1 is using shamesung's LAST YEAR, hence s9 camera modules and even s10 is much worse at night than p30 pro. I will not like lack of 4k 60fps either...

Instead we will have a regres like recording in... we will have a slideshow. So called cinematic experience from the consoles (lack of 60fps due to crappy hardware) in Xperias. But snap 855 is capable of 4k 60fps recording, it's sony that doesn't want to give it to us (as usually).

Can't wait for cine alta slideshows! 


I also do not understand why x1 is coming with inferior technology of only 2x optical zoom while p30 pro already has 5x optical zoom, 10x hybrid and 50x digital... And is already on the market.

And this telephoto sensor has more megapixels and better aperture. 

Even front camera of x1 looks like a regres, my old xz premium has 13mpx front camera and x1 is coming with 8mpx  f2.0 sensor.

I will likely buy x1 to support sony but this time I am not so sure of it. They are coming with outdated specs 6GB of RAM vs 8 at competition, worse camera, much smaller battery, also li ion vs li polymer, li-ion used by sony is cheaper). And it is coming so late to the party, where true release date is still unknown and we have May! 

So I am not that sure why sony wants me to charge 1k $ for X1. Looking at competition and what it offers at this price I am really wondering. 


Xperia 1 seems to use Carl Zeiss milvus  lenses Slightly_smiling_Face


@Viridis wrote:

This is the spec equivalent....

That is off the charts nice.

Anything near this will be absolute lush

I watched the clip and thought WOW, can my Xperia 1 shoot footage like that, that's AMAZING.

And then I realized the footage was shot on the £27,000 Sony PMW-F55 😞

Still, if my XP1 is 1/10th as good, it will be marvellous.


Can someone who received the phone share what is the range of adjustment of the shutter speed and ISO in manual mode? Maybe a photo at very low light with max shutter speed and max ISO with the phone supported on some object(not hand held).

@Xz1c wrote:

Can someone who received the phone share what is the range of adjustment of the shutter speed and ISO in manual mode? Maybe a photo at very low light with max shutter speed and max ISO with the phone supported on some object(not hand held).DSC_0046.JPG

This was 30 seconds at iso 64, it can look crazy bright at higher iso, this was at 11;40pm and was super dark


I've seen this mentioned, about backlights being blown out, and have found that it only happens if you take a backlit picture before the scene mode has detected backlight.DSC_0908.JPG



Just to be clear... 24fps is the industry standard for a reason, coupled with 48 shutterspeed it creates the most natural and life-like motion blur and the most pleasing visuals. 60fps was attempted with the Hobbit, and it does make more sense with 3D movies, but it looked like a soap opera and failed miserably... The only thing 60fps is useful for is filming sports and being able to create 2.5 X slow motion.


There is 1080p mode with 60fps video and I do not see any soap there. 
Same would be with 4K, it's just resolution bump where smoothness would be at the same great level of 60fps.