
Sound Crackles

OK, so this is part of another thread here:


But that thread is marked as 'Solved' when there are no solutions within, so I thought it best to start another. You can also see the issue reported on Youtube here:

So, many third party apps and games that use sound play with a pronounced crackle from speaker or headphone outputs. This does not affect some apps, and does not affect those pre-installed ie. Netflix. It is completely repeatable in those apps affected. This means the issue is very likely to be software related.

So first, could anyone who can get (for example) Soundcloud to work without crackles please post, because if there's anyone who can do this it may point to hardware issues instead. I doubt it, but please post if you can confirm you do not have this issue with a confirmed 'bad app' like Soundcloud. Also, anyone who does have this issue ought to post as well to help evidence the universal impact of this issue.

Second, could we get some acknowledgement from Sony that this is being looked at and will be fixed? Many of us will have bought this phone in no small part based on Sony's music and media quality, and it is currently the worst sounding phone I have ever used (in many apps). This could be a really bad PR issue for Sony if it is not addressed. Certainly most of us will have to return product if this is a universal issue as it would appear to be.

No point in contacting support as they will either a) reset the device, note that the pre-installed apps work and send it back out with the problem still in place or b) replace the phone with one that will very likely have the same issue if this is software based as it would appear. Can we get some feedback on here from Sony that would be helpful?

Thanks - a new Xperia owner.


I've escalated the issue, let's see if we'll be able to find out more about it

That's great, thanks. By the way, are you a Sony staff member or just an end user like me? Just asking to get an understanding of whether this is Sony taking action here or just us users still trying to get their attention.

I hope we get someone to notice, if you're not staff. I remember when Sony was a byword for audio quality. It seems that may have changed a lot, a disappointing surprise.


Sorry, i marked it as solved since there wasn't any progress made. My RMA'd device also got this problem on bottom speaker, chinch and earpiece. Found a thread in Essential phone's reddit with the exact same problem so it's probably a issue with Android 9.


Hey, thanks for the feedback. I have also seen another Youtube vid now, where a reviewer with the same issue sent his back and the replacement had the same bug. Just like you.

Looks very much like a software issue we all share, but there is still a lingering doubt as it could be an odd type of hardware flaw that all these phones have. So, now we need feedback from Sony as to the timeframe for a fix. Personally I'm expecting a hotfix at pace since these phones were particularly sold on their media chops. I'd be quite surprised if a bug of this nature wasn't picked up during testing, since it is the work of mere moments to spot the issue. So much so that I kinda think it was picked up and that Sony have been working on a 'Day 1' patch solution which has missed the deadline. This would be helpful as it would indicate this is a software issue, that much of the work has been done and that a hotfix should be on the way very soon.

Let's hope Sony can confirm things are moving quickly. Customers need to decide if it is worth waiting or if they should take the phones back to the shop and wait to see if Sony can release a fixed model later in the year before buying again (or go with an alternative device of course). Depends if this is a software or hardware issue, and if software how long the fix is expected to take.


Yeah, i hope they'll fix it soon. It is pretty annoying after all. It probably has to do with audio quality/ channels or something like that. I also included some sort of "letter" on my RMAd phone in case they might notice it better that way but i don't know if they even saw it. I'm happy with my 10 Plus overall, it is overpriced but it looks neat and certainly better than my XZ1C Slightly_smiling_Face


It's this thread. Sony could try contacting Essential if they don't know what causes this, maybe they know better.


Has anyone found a fix for this or are we all just returning our phones? Sony support is about as useful as a stick in the mud. 


I used to listen to CD players, which I believe their sound quality are the best.  Speaking of changes, it is because lots of music maybe all of them are changed to digital format for buyers to download or listen.  For example Pandora music radio stations. It then somehow disampled the sound quality.  It is very close to the CD quality but not the best even though you buy them in 24 bit format.  Also music style in terms of artists music style have changed.  You can tell the music if they are from 60s to 90s, 90s to nowadays.  Music recording techniques have been changed and adjusted. 

In my option, Sony has abopted their golden music style from the past which are the best for the CD quality with its clarity high pitch to a soft bass booster.  That is Sony. On the other hand, other manufacturers are very focusing on deep bass sound quality.  Their high pitch aren't as high and clear as Sony.  Yet, Sony does not want to overpowering their bass quality to create the bunkey sound as if the speaker(s) too heavy on its bass when playing for a long time, it will start to wear out.  That is also why lots of people comment on Sony's speakers, headphones are lacking enough on bass.

In terms of Xperia 10 Plus, yes, I think you got the defected one, that's good you replaced the good one.  I will recommend you manually adjust the sound quality under Android settings/Sound quality for different apps.  There are some music player apps you can download to enhance the music quality, but it cannot make changes when you watch movies.

From my experience, a new speaker needs sometimes to open up the sound quality.  I will not start playing heavy bass at the maximum level to open up the speaker.  Start from the soft to high and middle level to upper level on sound to open up the speaker.  It takes some time depends on the speaker. 

Also, if your ears get used to your previous speaker(s) sounds, it will take a bit time to adjust. 

At last, Xperia 10 Plus doesn't come with Sony's top speaker compared to Xperia 1.  In my opinion, it is a decent mobile speaker. 


Please note this is not about music quality, or speaker quality. The speaker quality is fine, and this occurs with headphones as well. Any headphones plugged in cause the same issue, but ONLY with certain apps and games. Nothing to do with any sound enhancement, as it happens with simple games as well. Check out the youtube videos of this if you do not understand what I mean.

Think about it like this, how can the speakers, headphones etc sound fine with most apps but not with others? How can those same apps sound fine on other phones with even worse speakers or withy even worse headphones? We can show that the speakers and headphones on the 10 Plus work fine in most apps so how can it be a hardware issue? I really can't see how. This looks to be a software issue. A bit like the touch screen issue. Just waiting for Sony to wake up a bit...


Yes, it should work for all the apps with the same quality.  Some apps have different sound enhancements verse the others.  That will give the users to adjust accordingly.  Also Google Pie 9 has its sound enhancement in their Settings.  That means it is already equipped in the OS itself. 

I've been using it for more than a month, the main speaker opens up a bit better compared to the 1st day listening to music.  While using the headphone which provides a better sound quality compared to using the main speaker.  Again, it provides a pretty good sound performance considered the price compared to Xperia 1.