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Album and Music app bugs


Album and Music app bugs


I am experiencing the following problems regarding SONY apps:

1. Album: some of my photos (only to be found on SD card) have messed up timestamp - I have tried to copy them first to the internal memory, I tried to clear cache, uninstall app, delete the data, copy them manually through SD card adapter, no success. My commputer shows the dates correctly. Even google photos have them messed up. Even Google photos mixes them...

2. Music app: I have the same album shown three times (however, the correct is only one, the remaining two are empty). For the count of songs, it looks good. I have tried also delete data, clearing cache, copied them in many ways, nothing helps. I cannot even delete the "fake" albums. Seems to work properly with 3rd party app.

I focused also on the SD card. I formatted it (quick and also thorough formatting). I did not experience this before Android 10 update. To be honest, it seems I started to get this issue after clean install of Android 10. I tried also to boot to safe mode - the same result.

Any suggestions?

Kind regards!