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Unable to clear phone notifications


Unable to clear phone notifications

My phone (Xperia 5)  notifications are turned on all times. I am unable to clear it. Doesn't affect the performance but a bit annoying. I have restarted the phone and turned the notifications off and on but nothing happens. Any help would be appreciated. 


Hello everyone again!

I have updated the initial post again with information that it is an update to the Google phone app, so it's not a system update that will be needed to fix this.

Make sure that you have automatic updates turned on in the Google Play store, or that you keep an eye out in there starting from Monday (pretty sure not everyone will receive it at the same time though).

I'm sorry for any confusion.


My dear friends! with the new version of Google Phone 42.0.281104093 it all seems solved!


Okay I found a fix of sorts too. Go to play store and find the Google caller app. Uninstall the updates. Then restart the phone. The notification dot will still be there. Open the caller app and go to recent calls then close the app. The notification dot will now be gone. If you want, go back to the plays and update the app again.


Today I have a missed call. Guess what? I've officially joined the pain. 


@roerisigold, awesome, thanks a lot for the update and hopefully the update will be available for everyone shortly.

@Cassanata99, perfect. I also answered the PM you sent me so please see that one for some additional information! Slightly_smiling_Face

@cycad, sorry to hear that.

Please keep an eye out in the Google Play store for an update for the Google Phone application.


Прошу помочь как обнулить ярлычок приложения телефон на главном экране, так как с него не исчезают цифры о количестве пропущенных вызовов. благодарю

I ask for help on how to reset the phone application’s shortcut on the main screen, since the number of missed calls does not disappear from it. thank you



Hi @Kela108, sorry to hear that.

I have translated and moved your post to the big thread about this unexpected behaviour.

Please have  a look at the link below for further information.


I hope that answers your question and that the update is/will be available for you soon.


Still not fixed for me 🙁


Hi @PMaG, welcome to our forum!

Do you remember the last time you received an update for the Google Phone application? I had a look now in the Google Play store and at least for my region/device, a new update was available just now and it was released today.

This hopefully means that more and more users will receive the update in the coming days, so keep an eye out for any available update for the application in the Google Play store.


Hey, never happened on my XZ premium either, wondering why I have switched to Xperia 5 from XZP, which was practically faultless! Better screen, and just as fast! (Still have it, might send X5 back if I can't get rid of this notification!