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Unable to clear phone notifications


Unable to clear phone notifications

My phone (Xperia 5)  notifications are turned on all times. I am unable to clear it. Doesn't affect the performance but a bit annoying. I have restarted the phone and turned the notifications off and on but nothing happens. Any help would be appreciated. 


Hi @PhoneUser55,

As mentioned earlier in the thread, in the Xperia 5 the Google phone application is used and not the Xperia phone application that has been used in almost all other Xperia devices.

Please take a look in the Google Play store to see if there is an updated version available of the Google phone application, otherwise it should soon be available there.


Bonjour, j'ai eu 2 appels en absence et je n'arrive pas à effacer la notification. J'ai supprimé l'historique des appels. Je n'avais pas de messages sur le répondeur et pourtant le chiffre "2" apparaît toujours sur l'icône des appels...

Merci pour votre aide

Hello, I had 2 missed calls and I can not erase the notification. I deleted the call history. I did not have messages on the answering machine and yet the number "2" always appears on the call icon ...

Thanks for your help



Hi @Kaisia, I have translated your post to English and moved it to the thread about this behaviour.

Please have a look at the link below for further information and take a look in the Google Play store if an update is available for the Google Phone app.



Hi Jonas, 

I've received the update and happy to say the problem is now fixed. Thanks for your time in replying to me.


Hi @PMaG,

That is awesome news and thanks a lot for getting back to me with this information! Slightly_smiling_Face

The roll out seems to occur very randomly in the Google Play store, but I do really hope that most Xperia 5 users and those with other models that are also affected has received the update by now.

Thanks once again and have a nice day!

I've got the update butT are still situations where after missed calls the notification doesn't disappear...


Received the update ealier today  (V 42.0.285321512-Publicbeta) and I can dismiss the notifications. But not always though, i have to open the phone app and check the missed call section and the notifications disappear.


@WolfEyeX, which version of the Google phone application do you have?

In Android 10 you can see this in Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > Phone > Advanced > Version.

In Android 9, it's in Settings > Apps & notifications > See all xx apps > Phone > Advanced > Version.

@Yekollu, very strange..

So in some cases you can just tap on the application and it will clear, but sometimes you need to open up the application > tap the three dots > Call history > tap on the "Missed" tab and tap it here, or tap the three dots and use "Clear call history"?

Thanks! Slightly_smiling_Face


Yes exactly!!!

But atleast this is an improvement from the previous situation :). Not sure how it works in the Non-Beta version

And any update regarding Android 10 rollout in Germany? And an update for the fingerprint sensor? 


Hi again @Yekollu and thank you so much for the information.

Yeah, it sounds like an improvement, but as far as I understood, it was supposed to be fixed and not just "work slightly better".

Hopefully the third time really is the charm and I'll be back (Arnold voice) when I know more..

I'm afraid that I don't have any information regarding the roll out and when it will be available for other customizations, hopefully it's very soon though!