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My Sony log in issues

My Sony log in issues

So, i bought a Sony mirrorless camera, spent over £3000 on the body and lenses, came online to register the product and also claim the summer cashback offer.


Clicked on sign in, forgot my password. They sent me a link to reset my password. After clicking on pictures with buses, fire hydrants, pedestrian crossings and such, eventually i get to a screen where i can choose a security question to reset my password. Date of birth, or place of birth.


I answer correctly to both of these to be told the answers are wrong and now the password reset link has expired. So i try again, the website says it sent another email for me to reset my password but it never arrives.


So, i cannot gain access to my account. When i try to ask for support signing in to my sony, it asks me to sign in. The irony, sign in, to get help signing in. Whoever thought that one out wasnt very smart.


So here i am, creating a temporary email address just to create another My Sony account to ask for help. How do i sign in, when it tells me everything is wrong ? my password is wrong, my secret questions are wrong. Does this mean im doomed and will never be able to sign in on that email address ever again ?


Hi there,


If you have a PlayStation, try to sign into it and disable two step verification, then reset your PW and once done, re-enable it.

