android 10 on sony x950h

android 10 on sony x950h

Hello i have a question.I recently bought a new sony bravia x950h with android 9.Will the Tv be upgraded in the future to android 10 or not??


Hi Karamo,


I couldn't find any related information regarding rolling out Android 10 on this TV, however you can find the latest news here:

So we don't have any news that the Android 10 firmware will be on Sony

No it seems Sony isn't the great company it uses to be anymore.


For exemple the x91j is a  2021 re-issue of the 2020 X900h.

Guess what is the only difference ? 

Google tv on the x90j.

To answer your question :



I have been a Sony customer since the PS1 and even before that, every tv i had were Sony.

My x900h is the last and i will never buy anything labelled Sony again.


We gamers bought the x900h on the promess that it's 4k@120hz, it's not its half the vertival resolution in 120hz and it's blurry yet Sony says " works as intended".

The 2021 models dont have this blur issue, this is false advertising !


We are still waiting for vrr, allm, no communication at all.


Time to move to Microsoft console sadly and LG CX Tv.

I don't want to stop your dreaming, but my LG CX won't get webos 6.0 (not that i want it in any case) and it is exactly the same tv as the newer C1 model. While at least the X90J has a completely different architecture.

I'm not dreaming Thanks.

I meant x91j it's exactly the same as the x900h expet for google tv.

And for the x90j, it's exactly the same mediatek soc hdmi 2.1 as the x900h but with the addition of co-processor wich many believe is here to fix the 4k@120hz blur.

I don't know an X91J, but if you think that in a tv an image processor like the XR one that is implemented in the 2021 line up is an "optional" compared to the mediatek SoC, I cannot argue.

You'll see that sooner or later the Google Tv interface (because is only that, still an Android TV 10 is the core) will be implemented also on some 2020 model and you'll find out that won't add anything to your tv experience. If you still have the tv at the time...

I'm not sure we have the same interest in these tvs.

I'm very satisfied with the picture and even if the xr will do better that's not my issue here.

I said they all have the same mediatek soc wich is made and powerfull enought to display 4k@120hz and use hdmi 2.1 features like vrr and allm.


Atm the x900h can't display pure 4k@120hz it only displays 1080p in vertical resolution, wich result in blurry image. So when Sony says 4k@120hz on the x900h it's pure lie.

On the contrary the x90j released a few months later don't have blur with the SAME mediatek SOC but some thinks the co-processor added help.


It'a also believed that android 10 or 11 can help withe XH900 issue that's why it's bs to relase news models already updated and leaving 2020 behind wihout working promised features

You are right: we don't have the same interest in these TV since I would never buy a non-OLED TV, but I was just answering to your expectations that unfortunately are based on "belief" as you stated. But I don't want to upset you, if you don't want to read what I have to say I'll stop immediately.

I just wanted to point out:

  • google tv won't solve anything on the picture quality side: since it is released by Google it does not have anything to do with the TV hardware (ok for something yes, it can lock unlock certain features in their public API but that is related more to 3rd party apps)
  • I don't know, and none really knows, which are the real limits of the mediatek chip (apart Sony/Philips or mediatek itself). The XR processor is the one the manage the picture processing and it is a massive update vs the XH90 that makes use of a processor that is older than my own 2017's A1. This is due (but I'm speculating here) to the need to release an HDMI2.1 compliant TV together with the PS5, and the reason why XH95 for normal use is better and more expensive

So, summarizing, my answer meaning was to not rely and not expect anything from Google TV. And no other company in the market release major update for the OS like Sony with Android TV (my own A1  has got Nougat/Oreo and Pie updates but the quality was stunning since day-1).

The question about 4k@120hz support (as well as VRR) is a different problem, and I have my opinion on that too if you want to here it. Nonetheless I agree that it should be fixed (if possible via a software upgrade)

You don't upset me don't worry. I think our misunderstanding come from my bad english.

Google tv comes with android 10 at least and many believe that android 10 11 will bring solutions for vrr ect... Google said it themselves.


But tbh you don't seem to know the small differences between 2020 and 2021 models.

It's absolutely not a complety different tv for the 2021 models.

We"ve been discussing the x900h for 1000 pages on avs forums, i think i know a few things about our 1st issue being 4k@120hz and the mediatek soc.

Again the mediatek soc that handle every hdmi 2.1 feature is exactly the same on every 4k@120hz sony tv in 2020 and 2021, the xr processor handling picture has nothing to do with the 4k@120hz issues.

I also recommand youtube Vincent Teoh videos from HDTV Tests, this guy is well know for his acurate tests and knowledge concerning tv.

He's the guy that contacted Sony about the 4k@120hz blur in the first place and sony answered him officially saying it's working as intended when we all know that's absolutely not true and we only have half the resolution verticaly on 4k@120hz.

Sony said " we think players prefer smoothness over resolution".

That is BS, we bought a 4k@120hz tv not 1080p@120hz tv, especially when there is no problem at 4k@120hz with the x90j and yet both are sold as 4k@120hz.


That said, i'd like your opinion on 4k@120hz too.