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Audible clicks when changing channels

Audible clicks when changing channels



Ive just replaced my ageing Panasonic Plasma with a Sony 55A80L, Ive connected my home AV system (Yamaha RX-V1065) using an HDMI and the optical audio as per the previous plasma set. 

With the TV set to use external speakers via the Yamaha we get 2 distinct clicks (electrical noise) when changing channel (and other remote operations). Nothing can be heard when using the internal speakers.

I’ve been through the audio output menu and changed settings to no avail


So with the same install / cables etc the Panasonic is fine and we get audible clicks from the new Sony


Any ideas ?


We are currently not using the AV system !!


Hi @PAULJA   Does your AV use the ARC port to receive sound? If this is the case why have you connected the optical cable as well?  HDMI audio has replaced optical as it carries more audio formats.



It’s many years the system was set up


There are only HDMI inputs and output on the AV amp (no ARC) and at the time had to add the optical cable as the HDMI didn’t provide the audio.


There was a firmware update available but that was to allow the optical input to be assigned to an AV input - don’t think that resolves this issue

Hi @PAULJA   If there is a HDMI output on the AV then this needs to be connected to the ARC port on the TV. How old is the AV?

The AV amp is probably 14 years old or thereabouts 


The ARC on the TV is connected to the HDMI out on the AV amp

The plot thickens -


We have a 4 year old 32” sony TV and I’ve hooked that up to the AV and guess what - I get the clicks on channel changes !


I’ve also hooked up a 32” LG that’s a couple of years old and - no clicks (only one when turning off the TV)


So it feels as if the Sony’s are sending something down the opto that the other TV’s don’t and the AV is interpreting as sound and that what we hear


I’m going to borrow another AV amp and see what happens

This problem is on going, Yamaha have been very helpful with ideas and firmware updates but we still have the clicking issue


Ive borrowed a much newer Denon AV amp and connected using arc hdmi only (no optical) and guess what - it clicks on channel changing but not quite as loud as the Yamaha.


The issue has to be the TV but how do I convince Sony to do anything about it (if anything can be done). I’m considering removing the AV system completely and use the onboard audio. 

This is an issue I just didn’t envisage when paying so much for a premium TV !!

@LightFoot wrote:

Hi @PAULJA   If there is a HDMI output on the AV then this needs to be connected to the ARC port on the TV. How old is the AV?

@LightFoot @PAULJA 


As there is no ARC on this amp, it can be plugged into any of the HDMI inputs on the TV; it will make no difference.


I’d probably still use the ARC HDMI for preference, but there’s no ‘needs’ here.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

maybe you already tried this, but have you set the TV to exclude sound systems ? This could be the click sent when changing channels or moving through the menu options...



If I exclude the sound system and use TV only speakers there is no click


To rule out the Yamaha completely I've borrowed a much newer Denon AV amp and connected to the TV using the eARC HDMI only (no optical needed) and I still hear the clicks but at less volume.

To me this suggests that the TV is generating the 'click' ?

Just got off the phone to Sony technical support and they say the issue is with the Yamaha and Denon AV amps not being compatible with the Sony TV !!!

I then asked if he would guarantee that if I invested in a Sony AV amp that the problem wouldn't still exist - to which the reply was 'he could guarantee anything' but would send a Sony engineer out to investigate if the click still existed.


I think I've just hit the Sony Brick wall