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Echo when bluetooth headphone pairing

Echo when bluetooth headphone pairing

I have 55xe8596 and when connecting bluetooth headphones
have echo in tv speakers.
Any solution (software or hardware)?


Dont think thats it (paths) cause if you change balance to left or right speaker echo disapears. Excho only exist while in stereo.


 "But why would you want to have audio coming from speakers and headphones in parallel?" Well maybe u should ask from sony why they build this feature. :slight_smile:  It's an feature mentioned in specs... your UHD tv dosn't work as it should do you quiestion need for that - fix is to watch telly with HD and move farther? :slight_smile:


But i can come up with some cases:

 - Maybe some talkshow (or similar where picture isn't vital all the time ) i wanna listen while im doing stuff in some other room.  Others may still watch.

- People with bad hearing with families and can have headphones turned loud.

- In some families, one may want to hear very specific sounds from program, others may just wanna hear it with one ear. Like in my case, i wanna some music prograrams with without disturbens while my kids wanna see those and hear something...


Anyways, like said this is feature in specs that is promised to customer and an issue since it dosnt work so it needs to be fixed.